Kay Wocds: Turbina*. Hydraulic turbina*. Vłbr*tlon signatum, Słgnatura anatyds

An łnwaatłgatłon on tha Wbration charoctariitic* of a hydro* turbina running at 150 rpm ł* datcrlbad. Hydraulic turbina* ara aubfactad to aarlous typa* of axdtatłon forcat and in thto lnvt*tfgrton tha yibration aignatura analytłt tachniqua la uaad to atudy thaaa forca charactarlattca and tha raaponaa of tha turbina. Tha affact of bałancing and axcłtatJon of tha ganarator on machina yibration and ałao i ta raaponaa at uariou* ktada ara stu (Sad in data li. Vlbration aignatum ara głvan for both ranoaatad and amoothły running unita.


ESPI - The Ultimata Rolopapkic Tool for Yibration AnałyaisT

O.J. Lokberg

Norwegian Inst. of Tech., N-7034 Trondhełm - NTH, Norway, J. Acoust. Soc. Am er., 75 (6), pp 1783-1791 {June 1984) 12 figs, 29 refs

Kay Worda: VIbrat!on anaiysJa, Hoiographic tachniquaa, intarfaromatric tachnlquaa

Holographłc intarfaromatry opanad naw wortdi of raaaarch by ma king poaaibia accurata, giobal mapping of imali dynamie aurfaca diaplacamanta in a two-ttap proc aa. A tach-nłgua, cal lad Elac tronie Spać kia Pattarn intarfaromatry or ESPI, haa baan daaaiopad In yarioui forma to provida limliar multa imtantły. ESPI'* Principal capabilitlaa, and soma practkal appłicatiom In induatry, biomadiclna, and acouati-cai raaaarch ara daacribad in an ovarvtaw in tha hopa of ancouraging ita uaa by maarchara who wara datarrad by tha raiatłvaiy cumbaraoma procaaa of holography.


Dymmfe Forca Mmammeat witb a Hydraulic Forca BditiVdft

T. Vir»ayagaling0m

Dept. of Mech. Engrg., Univ. of West Indies, St. Augustine, Trlnidad, West Indies. J. Phys., E: Sci. Instrum., 17 (7). pp 573-576 (July 1984) 5 figs. 3 refs

ICay Mfertfc: Tranaducari, Forca maaauramant, Maaauring Inttrumanta

A hydraulic forca ba lanca tranaducar for maaaurlng forca li pmantad. Tha uwful output b In tha form of a prawura •lgnął which could ba uwd dłractly In hydraulic ampilfication ttagai of low-fraquancy high-powar-output sarvo tyitams. Typłcally, tha davtca could ba daałgnad to hava a capacity of about 20N and a fraguancy ranga of oparation of 0-30 Hz.


Force and Tonjue Meaaurement - A Technology Oyenriew

S.S. Glndy

Eaton Corp. - Lebow, Intl. Congress on Exptl. Me-chanics. Proc. of the 5th, Soc. of Exptl. Stress Analy-sls, June 10-15,1984, Montreal, Canada. pp 765-775, 28 figs, 1 table, 8 refs

Kay Words: Forca maaauramant, Maaauramant tachniquw. Rayława

Forca and torgua maaauramami play a dacWva rola In tha davalopmant or improuamant of machanlcal lyitarm. Thii papar raviawi thłt rola. gim a daflnition of tranaduction and axplain* tha concapts utllizad in dl ff ar ant diiciplinas of forca and torgua maaniramants.


Scattering/Diffractiom Effecta in the Two-Mkrophone Technique of Mewuring Sotmd intenaty at Sound Incidcnce Angle* Otber tłua 0°

G. Krishnappa

Engine Lab., National Res. Council. Ottawa. Ontario, Canada KIA 0R6, Nolse Control Engrg. J.,(3), pp 96-102 (May/June 1984) 14 figs, 9 refs

Kay Wordi: Mas tura mant tachniquat, Sound maasuramant, Sound intamity, Two microphona tachnigua

Exparlmantal studlat wara carriad out to axamina tha *cat-taring/diffraction affacb from tha two microphona probaa u sad to maaau ra sound intamity. Both ikJa-by-aJda and faca-to-faca arrangamanti of tha two microphonai wora txamlnad at anglw of incldanca of 0 to 75 . Exparimantal rasults show that tha accuracfas of sound intamity maaaura-mants ara affactad by scattaring/diffractłon of tound at high fraguanciai and at high angłai of Inddanca.


A Mkroproceaaor-Baaed Laaer-Doppler Yibration Frobe

A.D. Brown and R.A. Cookson


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