prof. B. Dziunikowski:
członek komitetu redakcyjnego czasopisma “Nukleonika"
Rok 1997
b. publikacje
1. M. Claes, M. Bagar-Povse, J. Drinovec, B. Hołyńska, P. Kump, B. Ostachowicz, M. Necemer, M. Olko, R. Van Grieken, D. Węgrzynek,
„lnventory of regulations and analysis techniques for tracę elements in some water supply companies in Eastern and Western Europę",
The Science of the Total Environment 207, 141-148 (1997).
2. D. Węgrzynek, B. Hołyńska,
“Fundamental quantification procedurę for total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectra analysis and elements determination",
Spectrochimica Acta B52, 915-921 (1997).
3. B. Hołyńska, J. Ptasiński, W. Maenhaut, H. J. Annegarn,
“Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer with Capillary Optics for the Chemical Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosols with High Time Resolution",
Journal of Aerosol Science 28, 1455-1463 (1997).
4. D. Węgrzynek, W. Jambers, R. Van Grieken, D. Eisma,
“lndividual particie analysis of Western Mediterranean sediment cores, Rhone suspended matter and Sahara aerosols - lnvestigation of inputs to the sediments",
Marinę Chemistry 57, 41-53 (1997).
5. M. Dargie. A Markowicz, A. Tajani, V. Valkovic,
“Optimi/ed sarrple preparation procedures for the analysis of solid materials by total-reflection
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 357, 589-593 (1997).
6 W. Maenhaut, J. Cafmeyer, J. Ptasiński, M. O. Andreae, T. W. Andreae, W. Elbert, F. X.
Meixner, A. Karnieli, C. Ichoku,
“Chemical Composition and Light Scattering of the Atmospheric Aerosol at a Remote Site in the Negev Desert, Israel",
Journal of Aerosol Science 28, S73-S74 (1997).
7. W. Maenhaut, R. Salomonovic, J. Ptasiński, G. W. Grime,
"Nuclear microprobe analysis of atmospheric aerosol samples: Comparison with bulk measurements and analyses of individual particles",
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B130, 576-581 (1997).
8. Loska, L, J. Janczyszyn, 1997,
„A Method of Searching for Peaks and Multiplets in y-Ray Spectra",
Int. J. Appl. Radiat. and Isot., Vol.48, 127-132 (1997).
9. B. Hołyńska,
rozdziały 3 i 4 pt.: „Analysis of Geological Materials", „Analysis of Biological Materials",
Raport Międzynarodowej Agencji Energii Atomowej w Wiedniu pt. „Sampling, storage and sample preparation procedures for X-ray fluorescence analysis of environmental materials", IAEA-TECDOC-950, June 1997.