


Whcn tbe Assembly is noc in session, such autboo-ution may be gi*en by tts offkcr*. Tbe Assembly may subse^ucmly dccidc ihac procerdings shall be disconon* ued.

Arii elf 55

fUmunerJtion of members of tht Atsembly

1.    Members of rhc Assembly shall reccive a rerau-ncraiion fued by law.

2.    No inercase oi remuncration shall ulec cffect until che term of ofkct oł fbe Astem Wy voang it bas expircd.

CHAFTER rv. poweks or twe assembly

Artkft 56

Cenna! po wers of the Auembly

Tbe Atsembly sball vo<c thc lawi and che budget, elece tbe Chief Execu»ve and s»pervise che aciiriries oche Exeaitivc.

Scction 1. Lcgislative funcóons

Atucie 57    .

Drjfting ani adopuon of legulauo*

1.    Draft leptłitioo may be merodwed into «be Atsembly by members of the Assembly or submirtrd to tbe Assembly by thc Chief Exccutive.

2.    Such iegitlation shali be cocuidcrcd, diKusted and pyt to ebe vote as provided in tbe AttemWy's ruf es of procedurę.


Requfit for a reconstderation

1.    Draft Iegitlation adopeed by the Astembły shall be immediateły trantmitced by tbe Prcsidcnc of the As-sembly to tbe Chief Executivc.

Approval of legislation by tbe Chief Lcfcotiye

2.    The Chief Execuxive will transnut it as soon as cccckcd to the Rcpecscntative of the Emperor who may rc^ocsc, in accordancc with the pronsioos of Anicie 14, chat it bc reconsidered by thc Astembły.


3.    ii the Reprrsent ati ve of the Emperor. eaccrciting tbe prcrogaiiYes for wbieb provision is madę under Arth dc 14. bas transmicted a reqocst to the Chief Exccufivt for rccocuideration, grving bis rnsons for doing so, the Astembły musi takc a further vote. The draft Iegitlation muu obuin a two thirdt majority vote to be adopred.

4.    If the draft Icgidation bas been adopeed after rceomideration, as pco^idcJ in tbe prcccding paragr aph, or if the Rrprcsemative of thc Emperor bas noc cacrcucd

his preropmes under Arnck 14, tbe Chief Exccucivt mus: within (wenty days after che *oce taken hy eh? Aturobfy, either appcwrr thc draft lrgisLinon and trans-mk if to che Represcmatnrc of the Emperor for promuj-garicn wichin fxve days of ics reccipc, or return ii to the Atsembly with his commems.

5.    U thc Chief Laecumc shall have retumed the draft lepshnoa co thc Assembly, the Astembły uuU reconsider tbe draft Itgjrtirioa and takt a further we on it. U the draft Iegitlation łs then adopted by a two-th/rds majority, thc Chief Leecutire shall irantroic ir to the Repeeseruaovc of the Emperor for p/omulgarion within five days of « reccipL

6.    Ali draft IcgisUóoft adopeed in accordancc w*h the provisions of this aniele buc not promulgatcd within the rimc limit laki down in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Anide, shall conse imo effect after publicadon by th: Chief Exccuuvc.

SccbonU. Budget

Ar: u Je 59.

SubmisiioH of the draft budget hy the Cirief Executn*

• 1. At kast one month betore thc opening of che sccond reguła r session of the Assembly, the Chief Exccv tbe shall submit a draft budget for thc next hnaneial year.

2. Tbe draft budget shall com the whok of thc rcvenue and eapendicureś of the Goveroment of Entita for the next fmancial ytir.

Ar tulę 60

Lx*min*UOn and adophon of the budgrt by the Auembły

1.    During thc month prcceding tbe sccond regdar session of the Assembly, the Assembly Financc Commń-tee shall eaamine the draft budget submmed by chr Eaecuirre and report to the Assembly.

2.    A generał debatę on che draft budger shal be hcld ac the begjnning of the second regular session of the Assembly.

Within cen days foflowing the closure of the drbate. thc Executive shall submit a revised draft budget mdud-ing the amendments it may dccide to make to its firn drab as a result of the obsenarions madę by the Assembly.

3.    Tbe Assembly shal then procecd to cxaminc the

yarious items of thc budget:    •

(a) It shall fint adopc thc expendirure estimam. with or wiiboue amendments, only the toul csrimate foe each Excaitivc Deparrtnenr being put to tbe voce.

Tbe Assembly nuy noc inercase the csrimatcs pro-posed in tbe draft budget unlns inercase is balanced b) corresponding csdmatcs of rcrrnuc and has re«ivcJ the consent of «hc Ejcecuci*?.

140 *mt vsmo katioss asd t>ic ccoinNOŁsaoF utmtLs


- -i. '• • •

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f. vi

(6; The AstcroNy shall then adopc, with or without itncndrncots. thc resaiuc cstimace* chapti r by chiptcr, cath ot wbich shall hc puc to the %Wc scparatcly.

4. The compkte budget shall be adopted bcfo*c the tefinning of the financul year: ochcrwise. the amended draft budget submitted by tbe Execucivt as prorided in paragraph 2 ibost shall be detmed to be adopeed. pro-vidcd the Execucivf łut itself obsenrd the timc-limit laiJ down in Artick 59 and in thc present article.

Anule 6t

AOuzation and ezpetduure tmat bc authonzed by law

No tax shall be kvicd and no expenduurc shall bc iftcurred unici* authońicd by law.

Artide 61 Form of the budget

.A law shall be enacted gotrming the form in włuch the budget is to bc submitted and vo:ed on each year.

Artide 65

. Credu for urgent expendilute

1.    When vodng the budget, the Assembly shall include a credit for urgent ejcpcndicure.

2.    The amount of this credit shall not exceed 10 per cent of the expcnditure esrimaces:

3.    At the begsnning of tbe following session oi the Assembly, the Chief Exec\juvc shall report on thc use he his mad: of this credit. The Assembly* shall take a vote on this report.

Artide 64

Account! for past fmancia! years

1. Within righcccn mooths following the close of each fmancial year, the Execub»* shall submit the ac-*i counts to the Assembly for appcoral. ff 9 '    2. An Auditoc-General, independent of the Execu-

.>.* ón, shall be elraed by tbr Assembly.

3.    The principal funedon of tbe Auditoe-Genetal v shall be to cxam«n* thc anrnul accounts, and to make a

report to thc Assembly conuining his obsciYations on them at the bme of their presenution to the Assembly.

4.    The method of elecdon and the marten within -?r «he competcncc of the A udrcor-General shall be ctub-

khed by law.

c *:






Sectioa UL Ekcdon aod supemsion of thc Exccvtivc

<1S?'    Artide 6S

Electron of the Chief Executivt

The Assembly shall elect tbe Chief Executive af - proridcd in Anidc 66.

Anule r>6

Snpenisiou of tbe Executne by the Auembly

]. Members uf the Assembly may submit qocscions m wrning or shon quruiom orally ro the Excci*ivc, whkh shall repły.

2. At the rcqucsr of ten members of thc Assembly, a debat* may bc held on che Exccutive's pobcy.

The Exccu*iv* siiall be entitlcd to intenene both in thc course of tbe debatę and befoee it* closurc.


Artide 67

Compositiort of the Executku

Tbe Executiv* shall coosisr of a Chief Exeoi«vc assisted by Secretaries of Łxecuijve Department!. •

Artide 6S

Electron of the Chief Exec*trbe

1.    The Chief Exccutive shall bc ekaed by tbe Assembly by sec ret ballot; if a candidate obtains rwo thirds of the voccs he shaH be dedared ekaed. If no candidate obtains the rcqoisitc number o i votes the candidate rccemng thc kasc number of yoccs shall be re-movcd front the list and thc Assembly shall vocc again on the remainder repcating the proceis if ncccssary uncil a candidate obtains thc rcquired number of votes.

2.    OrUyEmreancicuens hasingattaincd tbeageof thiny-f»ve years and in pos session of their pobtkal rights shall bc cLgible foc office of thc Chief Eaecuthe.

3.    The Assembly shsO tka a Chief Execunsxat che opening of each ncw Icgslature.

4.    In case of dcach or resignanon of the Chief Exccuc»v€, the Assembly shaB elea a successoe wkhin fifreen days. If the Assembly ts noc in session, che Prcsi-dent of the Assembly sha U convene it to a special session.

The ncwly ekaed Chief Execuctve shall remain in offuc until the expiry of his predeccssor's term.

5.    The Chief Ejcccum-c shall be dgjble foc roeiecńon.

Artide 69

Appointment of Secretaries of Exec*tne Departments

1.    The Chief Exeanive shall have power toappoini and dśsmiss Secretaries of Exec\ifive Departments, wbo shall be responsible to him.

2.    Ordy pasom qualificd to be members of the Erńrean clectorate shaB be eligible to hołd office as Secretaries of Executive Depanmems.

3.    The Chief Executive shall selen the Secretaries of Ejcccutbt Departments in such a way as to ensure as far as posuble a fair represenution in his council of the

Document 9 HI


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