Foreword by Editor
Volume II of Sądeckie Zeszyty Naukowe (Nowy Sącz Research Bulletiń) continues the presentation of the research accomplishments of the participants of a senes of eight intemational conferences organised as part of the project entitled „Cross-border ecological tourism as a development opportunity for the region”. The project, co-financed under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, was implemented by the Starost Office in Nowy Sącz between 2008 and 2011.
The articles published in this volume were written, just as in the first edition, by employees and students of three higher education centres in Nowy Sącz, i.e. the State Higher Vocational School, Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu-NLU and the Business College.
The volume opens with an article by Katarzyna Peter-Bombik, which addresses the possibility of establishing multi-dimensional cooperation between various sectors as regards the execution of public tasks. The five articles that follow concentrate on the development of various forms of tourism. Bernadetta Zawilińska, Witold Niemiec, Alicja Bonarska-Treit and Agnieszka Pajor looked at the problem of popularising agri-tourism in Poland, while Monika Makowiecka, Honorata Trzcińska and Witold Niemiec analysed various aspects of health and spa tourism. The phenomenon of weekend tourism is the topie of the article written by Cezary Burtak, while Tomasz Zaclona and Marek Reichel presented important social, political and sporting events organised in the region in the context of their role for its promotion. Władysław Mynarski, Michał Rozpara and Rajmund Tomik discussed the role of building environmental awareness through open-air activities and school tourism. The volume ends with an article by Elżbieta Kalinowska-Pasek, which talks about the use of balneologie resources using the example of two Polish health resorts.
In light to the diverse interests and scientific experience of particular authors, volume II of Sądeckie Zeszyty Naukowe (Nowy Sącz Research Bulletiń) makes very interesting reading both for students and lecturers at Nowy Sącz-based schools, but also for those who are following broadly-understood tourism-related themes, as well as regional development and cross-border cooperation.
doc. dr Marek Reichel