89. M. Rojek, J. Stabik „Mechanical and electrical properties of mined coal filled polyethylene and polyamide” Archives of Materials Science and Engineering” Vol. 36 (2009) No. 1 pp. 34-40
90. M. Szczepanik, J. Stabik, M. Łazarczyk, A. Dybowska „Influence of graphite on electrical properties of polymeric composites” Archives of Materials Science and Engineering” Vol. 37 (2009) No. 1 pp. 37-44
91. J. Stabik, A. Dybowska, M. Szczepanik, Ł. Suchoń „Viscosity measurements of epoxy resin filled with ferrite powders” Archives of Materials Science and Engineering” Vol. 38 (2009) No. 1 pp. 34-40
92. J. Stabik, Ł. Suchoń, M. Rojek, M. Szczepanik „Investigation of processing properties of polyamide filled with hard coal” J. Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Eng. Vol. 33 (2009) No 2 pp. 142-149
93. G. Wróbel, J. Kaczmarczyk, J. Stabik, M. Rojek, „Numerical models of polymeric composite to simulate fatigue and ageing processes” J. Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Eng. Vol. 34 (2009) No 1 pp. 31-38
94. M. Rojek, J. Stabik, „The influence of X-rays on strength properties of polyester vascular system prosthesis” J. Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Eng. Vol. 35 (2009) No 1 pp. 47-54
95. . Wróbel, J. Kaczmarczyk, M. Rojek,J. Stabik, “Model ewolucyjny w diagnostyce procesu zmęczenia kompozytów polimerowych”, Czasopismo Techniczne -Technical Transactions - l-M/2009, Zeszyt 3, Rok 106 str. 387-399, Wyd. Politechniki Krakowskiej
96. Rojek M., Stabik J., Wróbel G., Muzia G., “Thermography Applied as a Tool in Polymer Composites Diadnosis”, Proc VIII Int. Conf. on the Improvement of the Quality, Reliability and Long Usage of Technical Systems and Technological Processes, Hurghada, Egypt 2009, pp. 62-65
97. Stabik J., Suchoń. Ł, Dybowska A., Szczepanik M., “Research on Geometrical Features of Mined Coal Fillers”, Proc VIII Int. Conf. on the Improvement of the Quality, Reliability and Long Usage of Technical Systems and Technological Processes, Hurghada, Egypt 2009, pp. 57-59
98. Stabik J., Szczepanik M„ Dybowska A., Suchoń Ł „Surface Resistivity of Tubular Polymeric Gradient Materials”, Proc VIII Int. Conf. on the Improvement of the Quality, Reliability and Long Usage of Technical Systems and Technological Processes, Hurghada, Egypt 2009, pp. 54-57