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Fronticr of tho conoral Gouverncmont - and at the same ticie a falrly wido otripo of torrltory whoro Germans have been settled sińce tho War.

Regions under continuous and strict Gorman control


he rango of aodifiod Kalifox

Tho Milltary Organisation in Poland eon roceive a maxi»um of ono flight pór conth in tho area betwoen the frontior ot the Conoral Gouvornemcnt and tho boundary of tho Ist zono The distribution of areas under continuous German control and the systees of Communications rendor bettor results im-possiblo.

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Gn the area up to the lino Ko.II. tho Hilitary Organisation in Poland io in a positłon to ro-coined 4 double flights por nonth /& roception conaittoes per month/.

Cn tho oroa up to lino No.III, tho łUlitary Organisation in Poland can easily rccoivcd 8 double flights per month /16

Transport of War Materiał to tho Saat

fron oroa wo3t of lino Ko.I practically 1 could only bo carrled out in insignificon

from areas Wost of Lino Ko.II - difficult and encounte ring considerable delay /frontior of tho "Ostland"/.

without speciol diffioulties.



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