[181] Czajkowski A.,Wierzcholski*K..:Numerical analysis of synovial velocity in the human hip joint gap. (in Polish). Participation of the Author* is 50%.Mechanics in Medicine 3.Proceedings of Scientific Seminar.Rzeszów 1996, pp.261-269

[182]    Wierzcholski*K.,Nowowiejski R.:Pressure distribution in the gap of the hip joint at various values of shear rate.(in Polish)..Participation of the Author* is 50%.Mechanics in Medicine 3.Proceedings of Scientific Seminar.Rzeszów 1996, pp.207-218

[183]    Wierzcholski*K.,Nowowiejski R.:Modelling and biotribological concepts of biobearings (in Polishj.Biotribologiczne koncepcje modelowania stawów człowieka. Participation of the Author* is 50%.Orthopaedic Quaterly Proceedings Seminar,Nr.2, ISSN 1230-1043,Lódź 1996, pp.43-54

[184]    Wierzcholski*K.Miszczak A.:Equations of hydrodynamic lubrication theory by a liquid Rivlin Ericksen model characteristics.(in Polish)..Participation of the Author* is 50%.Exploitation Problems of Machines Polish Academy of Sciences(Zagadnienia Eksploatacji Maszyn Kwartalnik PAN) vol.31,z.3,(106),1996,pp.7-18

[185]    Wierzcholski*Krzysztof,Pytko Stanisław:Analytical biobearing calculation for experimental dependences between shear ratę and synovial fluid viscosity.(in English). Participation of the Author* is 50%.International Tribology Proceedings,Vol.3 Biotribology.Yokohama, 1995/1996, pp. 1975-1981

[186]    Wierzcholski*Krzysztof:Non Conventional Lubrication Theory Theory of Slide Bearing.(in Polish) Participation of the Author* is 95%.Technical University Press of Szczecin ISBN 83-86359-13-7,Nr.524,1995/1996,pp.l-450


[187] Wierzcholski Krzysztof:A hyperbolical and parabolical biobearing surfaces for synovia unsymmetrical flow simulation.fin English), Proceedings of Technical University of Gliwice.3,1997, pp.269-274

[188]    Wierzcholski*K.,Miszczak A:Numerical Solutions of equations for flow oil about features of Ericksen Model in short

bearing gap. (in English), Participation of the Author* is 50%..Proceedings    of Technical University of Gliwice.3,1997,


[189]    Wierzcholski*K.,Czajkowski.A.:Lubrication of two human elbow bonę surfaces with non monotonie generating linę. (in English), Participation of the Author* is 50%.Proceedings of Technical University of Gliwice.3,1997, pp.275-280

[190]    Wierzcholski* K., Wissussek D.,Miszczak A:Integration results of equations decsribing short bearing lubrication with oils about features of Rivlin Ericksen Model, (in English), Participation of the Author* is 33%.Proceedings of Technical University of Gliwice.3,1997, pp.287-292

[191]    Wierzcholski*K.,Wissussek D.,Miszczak A.:Calculations of operating parameters for short journal bearings and Rivlin Ericksen Oils.Participation of the Author* is 33%.(in English).Tribologia ISSN 0208-7774 nr. l,1997,pp.41-57

[192]    Wierzcholski*K.,Wissussek D.:Numerical calculations of Rivlin Ericksen oil flow and operating parameters for short journal bearings.(in Englishj.Participation of the Author * is 33%.Tribologia ISSN 0208-7774 Nr.4,(154), 1997 pp.387-401, additionally see Abstracts of papers of World Tribology Congress in London,Mechanical Engineering Publications, p.438

[193]    Wierzcholski*K.,Wissussek D.,Miszczak A.:Analytical Solutions of some operating parameters for radia! journal bearings under Rivlin Ericksen lubrication.(in Englishj.Participation of the Author * is 33%. Exploitation Problems of Machines Polish Academy of Sciences(Zagadnienia Eksploatacji Maszyn Kwartalnik PAN) vol.31,z.4 (108), 1996 (printed in Sep. 1997),pp.469-485

[194]    Wierzcholski*K.,Wissussek D.,Miszczak A.:Modelling and simulation of operating parameters for short journal bearings oiled by the Rivlin Ericksen lubricant.(in Englishj.Participation of the Author * is 33%.Tribologia ISSN 0208-7774 Nr.5-6, (155-156), 1997 pp.991-1002

[195] Wierzcholski Krzysztof:A review of biobearing surfaces in hydrodynamic of human joint (in English),Polish Society of Medical Informatics, (in English), Computer in Medicin 4, 1997,vol.II,pp,137-143


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