VIII United Nations — Treaty Series 1972
ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, e/c., concerning treaties
and International agreements registered nith the Secretariat of the United Nations
No. 4. Conyention on the priyileges and immunities of the United Nations.
Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946:
Accession by lndonesia......................
No. 521. Convention on the priyileges and immunities of the specialized agen-
cies. Approyed by the General Assemhly of tbe United Nations on 21 Noyemher 1947:
Accession by lndonesia......................
No. 928. Agreement hetween the Goyernment of Ireland and the Goyernment of
the United Kingdom relating to air seryices to, in and through their respectiye territories. Signed at London on 5 ApriI 1946:
Modification of Schedule IV to the annex of the above-mentioned Agreement .............................
No. 5334. Agreement on the priyileges and immunities of the International
Atomie Energy Agency. Approyed by the Board of Goyernors of the Agency on 1 July 1959:
Acceptance by Ireland.......................
No. 7160. Agreement hetween the Republic of Finland and the Repuhlic of Austria
for the avoidance of douhle taxation with respect to taxes on income and fortunę. Signed at Vienna on 8 October 1963:
Protocol amending the above-mentioned Agreement. Signed at Vienna on 21 September 1970 ......................
No. 7290.
Agreement hetween the Goyernment of New Zealand and the Goyernment of Western Samoa concerning civil ayiation. Signed at Apia on 24 January 1963:
No. 8638. Vieuna Conyention on Consular Relations. Done at Vienna on 24
April 1963:
No. 8640. Optional Protocol to tbe Vienna Conyention on Consular Relations
concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes. Done at Vienna on 24 April 1963:
Ratification by Luxembourg....................