O najważniejszych zadaniach polskiego językoznawstM’a w XXI wieku
Gaj d a S.. red., 2003, Językoznawstwo w Polsce. Stan i perspektywy, Opole.
Jajszczyk A., 2013, Długofalowe przedsięwzięcia badawcze a system grantowy, PAUza Akademicka, 2002, s. 1-2.
Żmigrodzki P., Przybylska R., 2012, Kilka uwag w związku zdy'skusjąnad Wielkim słownikiem języka polskiego, Język Polski XCII, s. 368-371.
On most important ohjcctivcs of Polish Linguistics in the 21 st century
In the first part of the paper, the author makes an assessment of the current situation in Polish linguistics. He claims that there are two major factors of negative impact on it: 1) existing of too much theoretical trends and 2) dispersion of scholars and lack of the cooperation in the linguistic commu-nity. In the second part the author points out some important goals for the Polish linguists in the 21st century, e.g. preparing of the exhaustive lexicographic description of the contemporary Polish as well as new academic Polish grammar (both synchronic and diachronic ones), digitalization of the dictio-naries published earlier in print, developing of Polish text corpora, improving the system of linguistic education in Poland in order to educate new generation of linguists. Lobbying for inereasing of the go\ emmental funds for linguistic im estigation in Poland is also a very important task.