Ouvrages et articles selon 1’ordre alphabćtiąue des auteurs 39

430    Michałowski, Kazimierz; Gester, Georg. Faras, die Kathedrale aus dem

Wiistensand, Zurich, Cologne, 1967.

431    Michałowski, Kazimierz. Open problems of Nubian art and culture in

the light of the discoveries at Faras. Kunst und Geschichte Nubiens in christlicher Zeit (ed., E. Dinkler), Recklinghausen, 1970, p. 11-28.

432    Michałowski, Kazimierz. Classification generale des peintures murales

de Faras. Revue d'archeologie (1972), 2, p. 373-380. 5 fig.

433    Michałowski, Kazimierz (avec la collab. de Jakobielski, Stefan). Faras.

Die Wandbilder in den Sammlungen des Nationalmuseums zu Warschau. I vol., Varsovie-Dresde, 1974. 344 p., 70 pl.

434    Millet, Nicholas B. Gebel Adda, preliminary report for 1963. Journal

of the American Research Center in Egypt, vol. II, Le Caire, 1963, p. 147-165.

435    Millet, Nicholas B. Gebel Adda expedition preliminary report, 1963-

1964. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, vol. III, Le Caire, 1964, p. 7-14.

436    Millet, Nicholas B. Some notes on the linguistic background of modern

Nubian. Dans: Robert A. Fernea. Contemporary Egyptian Nubia, New Haven, 1966, p. 59-71.

437    Millet, Nicholas B. Gebel Adda progress report, third season. Newsletter

of the American Research Center in Egypt, n° 58, juin 1966, p. 10-14.

438    Millet, Nicholas B. Gebel Adda preliminary report, 1965-1966. Journal

of the American Research Center in Egypt, vol. VI, Le Caire, 1967, p. 53-63.

439    Millet, Nicholas B. Gebel Adda: Progress report of the Nubian expedi-

tion of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc. Season of 1963. Fouilles en Nubie (1961-1963), Service des antiąuitćs de 1’Egypte. Le Caire, 1967, p. 123-126.

440    Millet, Nicholas B. Meroitic Nubia. Unpublished dissertation presented

to the faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy, 1968. 394 p.

441    Millet, Nicholas B. The Gebel Adda archaeological project, Nubia

1963-1965. National Geographic Society research reports, 1964 Projects, Washington, 1969, p. 153-157.

442    Millet, Nicholas B. A Meroitic number-word. Comptes rendus, Groupe

linguistiąue des etudes chamito-semitiąues, 1969, Paris, 1973, p. 392-397.

443    Millet, Nicholas B. Meroitic language and writing. Encyclopaedia

Britannica, edition de 1972, vol. 15, p. 197.

444    Millet, Nicholas B. Writing and literacy in the ancient Sudan. Pro-

ceedings of the International Congress on Language and Literaturę in the Sudan, University of Khartoum, 1975.

445    Millet, Nicholas B. A possible phonetic alternation in Meroitic. A

paraitre dans Meroitica I, Humbolt University, Berlin.

446    Millet, Nicholas B. The Kharamadoye inscription. A paraitre dans

Bulletin d'informations meroitiąues, Paris.


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