Petr Mach
Zapadoćeska Univerzita v Plzni, Ceska Republika
Technicka vychova musi byt vmmana jako zakladna k dosażenf pracovnich a dalsich kompetencf, ktere jsou uvedeny v ramcovych vzdelavacfch programech pro zakladm i strednf vzdelanf. Tento pożadavek nem vżdy vhodne akceptovan v transformaćnich procesech śkolskych soustav. Pnspevek porovnava vyvoj technickeho vzdelavam v USA a v nasi skolske soustave v poślednich letech.
Klicova slova: vzdelavacf system; ramcove vzdelavacf programy; vyvoj technickeho vzdelani v USA.
Technical education must be understood as fundamental for acąuiring work-ing and other skills specified in the framework educational programmes for both primary and secondary education. This reąuirement has not always been accept-ed in processes implementing the transformation of educational systems. The paper compares the development of technical education in the USA and in our country during the last few years.
Key words: educational system; framework educational programmes; develop-ment of technical education in USA.