Languages Maj or



Present position

Educational and Professional ąualifications



Fields of special interest




A/CN.9/61 Page 57

POLAND (continued)

Polish, English, French, German.

Several articles and contributions in various languages published in Polish and international comparative and trade law journals.



Professor of law at the Faculty of law, Warsaw University.

LL.M., 1955; Dr. jur., 1961; Dr. agrege, 1968; Diplómes de droit compare, 1962 et d*etudes superieures de droit compare, 1963, de la Faculte internationale pour 1’enseignement du droit compare, Strasbourg, France.

Teaching at the Faculty of law, Warsaw University, sińce 1955; research fellow at the Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1966-1967; delivered lectures on different aspects of international commercial law at several foreign universities such as Harvard, Berkeley, Chicago, Washington, McGill and at the International Faculty of Comparative Law in Strasbourg, France. Member of several international law associations and rapporteur at several international congresses of law, e.g., generał rapporteur at the Congress of Comparative Law in Strasbourg in 196*ł on the legał regirae of international trade.

International sales, especially:    liability for damages and

non-performance of contracts; international transport law, especially international air law; jurisdiction of courts and enforcement of foreign judgements and arbitral awards.

Polish, English, French, Spanish, German, Russian.

"Air Carriersł Liability in International and Comr>arative Law" in Polish, 1968; "International Jurisdiction of Domestic Courts in Civil Cases" in Polish, 1962; over 50 articles in • various languages published in international trade and comparative law journals.



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