

Present position

Educational and





Languages Maj or




Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Thailand to the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg; chief of mission of Thailand to the European Economic Community.

B.A. Hons., 1953; M.A., D.Phil., 1955, Oxford; docteur en droit, 195*1» diplome dfetudes superieures de droit international public, 1951*, University of Paris* LL.M., 1956, Harvard; barrister-at-law, 195**, of the Middle Tempie, England* diplome de 1'Academie, 1958, Academie de droit international de La Haye.

Lecturer in international economic law, Thammasat University, 1956-1959; member of National Research Council, Thailand, 1959-1970; member of the Hague Research Center, studying problems of foreign investment, 1958; second secretary, Legał Division, Treaty and Legał Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1959-1960; secretary of the National Committee to review Treaties and Conventions, 1960-1969; member and secretary of the Committee sińce 1969; representative of Thailand on the Sixth Committee (Legał) of the United Nations General Assembly in 1960, 1962, 1965, 1967 and 1969; chief of division, International Organization Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1963; represented the Asian-African Legał Consultative Committee at the fifth session of Inter-American Juridical Council; representative of Thailand in the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), 1968; represented Asian countries at the First Hague Colloąuium on International Trade Law, 1968; Director-General, Economic Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1968-1970.

Thai, English, French, Spanish.

State immunities and trading activities in international law (1958); several articles in Thai, English and French.



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