c)    to discuss the principles of the uniform construction of the de-tailed geomorphological map to assure its legibility and comparison,

d)    to determine the use madę of the detailed geomorphological map in practical purposes.

The task of unification of the principles, of the conception and of the key is hard and it will be hard. Yet we must undertake it for the scien-tific weal. The works of our Subcommission may be compared with those of the Commission on Geological Mapping in the beginning of the XXth century. Its ideas have been discussed on several International Geological Congresses and at present the geological maps are comparable, e.g., Carboniferous strata are always grey on all of these maps. I hope our efforts to construct a uniform geomorphological map will be success-ful, too.

Our Conference program is very rich. Papers on the principles of mapping and on the contents of the geomorphological maps in differing regions (amongst them in Poland) will be read at the first meeting to be followed by the discussion, the unification and the conclusions during the third day and a half of the last day. During the Conference excur-sions will be held. They are intended to demonstrate geomorphological problems of the particular areas on the example of the Polish geomorphological map, to make you, Dear Colleagues, acąuainted with the principles of the geomorphological and improvement map’s construction and to show you, in co-operation with our planning- and urban institutions. the practical use madę of our studies — the use madę of the detailed geomorphological map in practical purposes.

M. Klimaszewski


Upon invitation of the Institute of Geography of the Polish Academy of Sciences — Department of Mountain and Upland Geomorphology and Hydrography in Kraków, and of the Commission on Applied Geomorphology IGU the Conference of the Subcommission on Geomorphological Mapping convened in Poland, during the period 3 — 12 May, 1962. The Conference’s purpose was:

A.    To review the detailed geomorphological maps carried out up to now in various countries;

B.    To discuss the conception and to establish the principles of construction of the detailed geomorphological map in order to assure the comparison of maps madę by different authors in different countries, especially

a)    to establish the scalę and the scope of content of the detailed geomorphological map;

b)    to establish either the conception of the map’s uniform legend or the principles of the legend’s construction;

c)    to establish the principles of uniform construction of the detailed geomorphological map to assure its legibility and comparison.


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