Notes from the Caucasus (Part2)

graphical distance, economical and political differences, with the desire to enjoy together

30th -31st September 2006, Tbilisi (Day 2, 3)

I had been thinking of going to the Caucasus for a long time. Ever sińce I had read Ryszard Kapuściński Imperium. But there was always something in the way. And then, while working in the UK, I came across information about the Caucasus Study Visit organized by AEGEE-Europe. I knew I could not miss such an opportunity. I wrote an ap-plication and, two months on, here I am in Tbilisi, the Capital of Georgia.

I am here mainly as a photographer. My job is to take photographs, to document all the activities and meetings of the Caucasus Study Visit participants.

One of them is Burcu Becermen. I met her today. An incredible person. Burcu is Turkish. Although only 19 years old, she took up the challenge to manage a project called Turkish-Greek Civic Dialogue - an initiative touching the most painful and sensitive is-sues for the two nations who suffered from long-lasting conflicts. She wanted to create space for friendshlp and cooperation for young people from both sides. In the evening Burcu told us how emotionally difficult it was to even start her project. She was heavily cri-ticized for merely putting forward the idea.

Postscript added 3rd December2006:

Burcu was awarded the title of Young Euro-pean of the Year 2006. The prize awarded by the Heinz-Schwarzkopf "Young Europę" Foundation is given to young people who sho-wed outstanding initiative, great personal commitment and a sense of responsibility in fostering understanding between peoples.


AEGEE - European Student's Forum is one of the largest youth organizations in Europę. It is represented by 15.000 members, students of all majorsand faculties -associated in 240 local branches spread around the continent

(from Helsinki to Ankara, from Moscow to Barcelona). AEGEE is a secular, non-profit organization, not linked to any political party. The meetings of its Kraków local branch - AEGEE-Kraków are held every Thursday at 8.00 pm. For morę details please visit www. aegee.krakow.pl.

Caucasus Project

The Caucasus Project is a long term project that aims to foster cooperation and cultu-ral exchange between young people from Georgia and Azerbaijan and other parts of Europę. AEGEE members involved in the project are determined to overcome the geo-


Useful words:

fair - an event at which people or businesses showor sell their products secular - not relating to religion or any reli-gious group

foster - to help a skill, feeling, idea etc de-velop over a period of time; encourage, pro-mote

civil society - "third sector"; the totality of voluntary civic and social organizations, as opposed to government and business disseminate - to spread information or ideas to as many people as possible

by Piotr Pohorecki

BIS - listopad 17


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