It is a well-known fact that the 19th century Greek, Bulgarian, Serb and other reyolutionaries Iived and gave an impetus to the liberation inoyements of their nations, in Romania. Many of the Bulgarian revo-lutionaries of the Bulgarian emigration in Romania played an active role in the 1848 Romanian revolution1. Nicolae Nenovici’s name is men-tioned among the most active reyolutionaries. He was a teacheT in Broiła and functioned as “Propaganda commissar” of the revolutionary govern-ment, a reliable collaborator of N. Balcescu and Aleeu Goleseu 2. After 1849, the editor-in-chief of the Bulgarian language newspaper “Otećestvo” (The Homeland), issued in Br&ila by Gr. lora nul, was Nicolae Nenovici.
The Bulgarian and Soviet researchers have pinpointed the import-ance of the Romanian aid given to the Bulgarian reyolutionaries. The Bulgarian emigrants (G. S. Rakovski, Y. Drumev, D. P. Voinikov, L. Ka-ravelov, V. Levski, Hr. Botev, Ivan Yazov, Kiriak Cankov, ętefan Stambuloy and others) found Romania a good place to live in. They could coDvey their ideas through the Bulgarian language papers issued in Bueharest or Br&ila. The unity within the Bulgarian emigration and the formation of the revolutionary state of mind was achieved through the press 3. Besides the “Otećestvo” and its satirical supplement the “T&pan” (The Dnim), then “Svoboda” (Freedom), “Nezavisimost” (The Independence), “Budilnik” (The Awakening), “Nova B&lgarija” (New Bułgaria), “Dunavska Zora” (The Danubian Dawn), “Narodnost” (The Nation), the Bulgarian emigration published Romanian papers as well. Thus were the “Balcanul” or the “Libertatea” (the Romanian edition of the “Svoboda”). The Bulgarian editors put out such Romanian newspaper? as “Trompeta Carpa^ilor” (The Trumpet of the Carpathians), “Telegraful” (The Telegrapb), “Monitorul medical” (The Medical Bulletin) and yarious others 4.
C. N. Velichi, Bułgarii din Tara RomAneascd participanfi la reuolufia burghezo-democraticd din 1848, in Relafli romdno-bulgare de-a lungul Deacurilor. Sec. XVIII—XIX, vol. I, Bucurc$ti, 1971, p. 253—282.
8 C. N. Yelichi, op. cii., p. 255.
8 Bćntrice Marinescu, Les mouoemenls de liberation dans les Balcans el Uopinion publique roumaine, in RESEE, 1978, no. 3, p. 480. Cf. T. Ionescu-Ni$cov, Unele aspecte din mięcarea de eliberare nafionald a bulgarilor din nordul Dundrii Inire 1850—1870, in op. cii., p. 369—400; C. N. Velichi, La coniribuiion de Uimigratlon bulgare de Valachie A la Renaissance poliiiąue et culturelle du peuple bulgare (1702—1850), Bucureęti, 1970; Idem, La Roumanie et le mou-Dement rioolutionnaire bulgare de liberation nationale, Bucurejti, 1980.
M. Stoianov, Bdlgarska odzroidenska knitnina, voi. I, Sofia, 1957. Cf. G. K. Vene-diktov, Nekotorye ooprosy formirooantja bolgarskogo literaturnogo jaiyka v epochu oozroidenija. in Nacionaljnoe oozroidenie i formlropanic slaojanskich literaiurnych jazykoo, Moscow, 1978, p. 207-268.