Her© is, observing an alphabetic order the list of borrowings, selected after the above investigation 8 : abonas vb. “to subscribe” (Shąiperia, 1897, 16, p. 8) ( : abona), and its deriyate abonatur adj. “subscriber”; afirmatB n. “statement” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 9, p. 1) ( :possibly, afirma(iie); allimcS n. “alliance” (Shąiperia”, 1897, 15, p. 8) ( :alian(&); ambasadę n. “embassy”, ambasador n. “ambassador” ( : ambasad^, ambasador)1 2 3 4 5; ambicije n. “ambition” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 6, p. 1) ( : ambi(;ie) 6; armatS n. “army” (“Shąiperia”, 1897, 5, p. 7) ( : armatii); artikoll n. “article” (“Shąipetari”, 1888,10, p. 3 ; 1889,15, p. 1; 19, p. 2; “Shąiperia”, 1897, 2, p. 3) ( : articol); autonomi n. “autonomy” (Shąiperia 1897, 9, p. 8) ( : possibly, autonomie)a; autorizate n. “licence” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 8, p. 2) ( : autoriza^ie); broshur$ n. “booklet” (“Sqi-petari”, 1888, 9, p. 2) ( :bro§ur&)7 8 9 10; ęedoj vb. “to give in” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 1, p. 1) ( : ceda); ęeshtje, ętehtje n. “problem, issue” (“Shąiperia”, 1897, 6, p. 2) ( rcestie)8; deęepcje n. “disappointment” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919,1, p. 2) ( : deceptie); delegacie, delegacje n. “delegation, mission” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 4, p. 1) (: delegacie)9; deputat n. “deputy” (“Shąiperia”, 1897, 22, p. 6) ( : deputat); desermoj vb. “to appoint, to designate” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 4, p. 2) ( ; desemna); dikcionar n. “dictionary” (“Albanezul”, 1895, 4, p. 2) ( : dic(iionar); direkcije n. “direction” (“Shąiperia”, 1897, 20, p. 2) ( : direc^ie); diskordije n. “discord, difference” (“Shąiperia”, 1897, 20, p. 2); “Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 6, p. 1) ( : discordie); edicije n. “edition” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 9, p. 1) ( -. edi^ie); ekspedicje n. “expedition” ( : expedi(iie)10; iluzje n. “illusion” (“Shąiperia”, 1897, 18, p. 3) ( riluzie); imaginacje n. “imagi-nation, fancy” (“Shąiperia”, 1897,15, p. 2) ( : imagina(iie); independece n. “independence” (“Shąiperia e Re”, 1919, 6, p. 1) ( -.possibly, inde-


We indicate, in brackets, the Romanian eąuiyalent, Weusually signai only one occur-


rence. Here are the abbreviations usedj adj.i adjectlye, n.j doud; part.: participie; rcfl.t


reflexive; ab. 2 verb.


The Romanian etymologies were suggested by E. Cabej, Sludtme climologjike ni fushi li shqipes (Etymological Studies for the Aibanian Language), II, A^-B, Tirana, 1976, (subseąuently abbreviated as E. ęabej, Stud. ttim.) p. 38. The words were taken over by standard Aibanian (Fjalor i ghuhis shąlpt “Dictionary of the Aibanian Language”)* Tirana, 1954, p. 8 (subseąuently abbreviated as Fjalor).


• The word has been dJscussed by E. ęabej, RIEB p. 175. That the author did not provide any context in whlch the word was used and did not make any mention of the extraction-8ource makes us suppose that in 1936 the word was still In use In standard Alba-nian, the language known to the author. Fjalor provides the amblcton form. O. Buchholz, W. Fiedler, G. Uhlisch, Albanlschdeutsch WOrterbuch, Berlin, 1977, records the amblclt form with Its ambicije yariant. We can thus suppose that this form is still in use in contern-porary Aibanian.


   The word was introduccd into standard Aibanian (Fjalor p. 22).


   A word still in use in standard Aibanian (Fjalor p.|47).


   ęabej’8 etymology (RIEB p. 176 and in “Buletin i Uniyersitetit shtet6ror,> 1 (1961), p. 74 — 75), namely the Romanian chestiune cannot possibly be dcmonstrated from a phonetic point of-yiew. The -ie yariant was preferred again this time to the dlsadyantage of the — iunt sufflx form. The ęeshtje, ęishtje form deriyed frora the Romanian cestie was presuma-biy assimilated due to its resemblance wlth the ę’ishte (what is it?) syntagm. The word was taken over by the standard language and it is freąuently used (Fjalor, p. 65),


•    We have eonie across a transiation: dirgati “delegation” «dirgoj “to send”) as well as a form presumably obtalned In part through eon tarnina tion: delegati.


ęabej dlscoyered the word (RIEB, p. 176). 9. see foot notę 5.


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