The same historian, this time in his work on the Greek Bevolution writes : “At last, at the end of April, he (D. Ipsilantis — K.H.) had passed the Bussian border as director of a merchant, P. Anagnostopoulos, under the fictious name of ‘Athanasios Stostopoulos*; his secret language codę namc was ‘Haritos’ ” 41.
Another Greek historian, Anastasios Goudas, writes inP. Anagnosto-poulo’s biography : “Anagnostopoulos knew about the difficulties... and disguised into a merchant from Bessarabia... and he named D. Ipsilantis the director of his commercial company, under the name of ‘Haritos’ ”42.
Finally the Greek revolutionary Ńicolaos Spiliadis, who published in his memoirs a copy of the passport used by P. Anagnostopoulos to cross the border between Eussia and Austria, informs us that in this voyage D. Ipsilantis used the name ‘Athanasios Stostopoulos’ and he was not the director of the commercial company, but a simple servant of ‘merchant’ P. Anagnostopoulos43.
Among the contemporary Greek historians, Konstantinos Diamandis in his monograph about D. Ipsilantis remarks that: “The pseudonym used by D. Ipsilantis in his passport was Athanasios Stostopoulos... In the secret revolutionary organization “Philiki Hetairia”, D. Ipsilantis was known under the pseudonym ‘Haritos’ M44.
Summing up the opinions of the above historians we can conclude that the pseudonym ‘Haritos’ was the codę name of D. Ipsilantis and not the name which he used to pass through Austria.
But, in the letter in ąuestion, Em. Xanthos uses for D. Ipsilantis the pseudonym ‘Haritovritos’ and not ‘Haritos’, which means that D. Ipsilantis was known in the secret revolutionary organization under two pseudonyms : ‘Haritos* and ‘Haritovritos’.
In conseąuence, the piece of information from Em. Xanthos’ letter concerning the pseudonym of D. Ipsilantis makes an essential contri-bution to the completion of the codę name catalogues used by the revo-lutionaries in their secret correspondencett.
In connection with the creation of the secret revolutionary orga-nizations in Bessarabia by D. Ipsilantis, before his departure to Greece, details are known only regarding the creation of the secret revolutionary organization (Ephoria) of Elissinef, to which Marinos Stratis, Bourdas and Ioannis Makris also madę mention of in the letter in ąuestion, were appointed leaders (pp. 1 — 2).
41 Idem, Sisłorlcal ... the Greek Reoolution .... vol. III, p. 387.
41 Goudas, Anastasios, Bioi 7RxpaXXTjXoi tgw int -riję 'AyaYswłjoecoę Trji; 'EXX<48oę 8ux7rpe-4><£vtcov iv8p6iv (the Parallel Lives of Eminent Men of Greece’s RegeneraUon), Athens, 1872, vol. V, p. 88.
w Spiliadis, N., op. cif., p. 204 notę 1.
44 Diamandis, K.. op. cii., p. 36.
44 The most complete catalogue is published jointly by L. Vranousis and N. Karaarłanos in the appendlx of Ath. Xodilos memoirs (see. Xodilos, Ath., op. ctt., p. 119).
44 Xanthos, Em., op. cii., p. 164 (D. Ipsilantis’ letter to Em. Xanthos from the 13th of April 1821); Xodilos, Ath., op. ctt., p. 40; Filimon, Io„ Hlstortcal .... The Greek Reoolution .... vol. III, p. 387.