Addressing (URLs, e-mail) Internet Service Provider Functionality

Bulletin boards File transfer

e-mail (attachments, MIME) Web browsing (HTML, Java) Remote login Newsgroups Searching Security

Firewall Walled garden

1.4 Networking Modes

Two common modes of operation of Computer networks are peer-to-peer and client-server. These modes of operation are, to a great extent, independent of the hardware and topology. The two modes may even operate simultaneously on the same network.


Examples (Windows 3.11, Windows 95, Acorn Access, Apple Share)

Shared storage (hard disk, CDROM)

Shared printers

Lack of central control (equal status)

Ease of setup, operation, maintenance


Examples (Windows NT, Acorn Level 4, UNIX, Novel NetWare)

Control of access (User IDs, passwords, domains, accounts)

Need for network administration (super-user)

Thin client (Network Computers - NCs)

1.5 Standards

The standards are those reąuired for intemetworking with particular emphasis on international standards.

Communication (Standards)


Local communication (Different hardware platforms on same LAN) Global communication (The Internet)


Protocols (RFCs, OSI 7 layer model relationship to TCP/IP)

Text (ASCII)

Graphics (GIF, JPEG)

Sound (WAV, MIDI)

Page layout (HTML)

Applets (Java, ActiveX)

Movies (MPEG, QuickTime)


Computing Support Materials: Computer Networking (H)


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