The integrating function of SCM systems is also their important feature. It is understood as multi-functional integration - enabling integration and op-timization of the main enterprise functions at the planning and execution level,

-    integration of many enterprises - using Internet capabilities of Communications between enterprises and their business partners and customers,

-    integration with other systems within the enterprise - enabling convergence of data with trans-action systems (including ERP systems, spread-sheets, data bases, text files).15

Complex supply chain management is strictly connected with the occurrence of eight mutually supplementing business processes. These are:

-    CRM - Customer Relationship Management. This process enables creating a model supporting optimal building, development and maintenance of contacts with customers. Basically, it identifies market segments, allows to generate criteria for customer grouping, and estimate their profitabil-ity. Ali data generated by a CRM system must be measurable, so that an appropriate cost, sales and investment strategy is developed.

-    Customer Service Management. Within this ap-plication the customer is able to have a constant access to check product availability, delivery dates or delivery status. Access to current infor-mation is guaranteed by an interface connected with manufacturer’s production and logistic plans. This module supplements data generated by the CRM with planning procedures which de-fine the method of delivery and product supervi-sion for the customer.

-    Demand Management. The main function of de-mand management is to maintain an optimal bal-ance between customer expectations and production capabilities of the manufacturer. Demand management has advanced projection methods, where projected results are synchronized with the production, purchase and distribution. Besides, this process makes it possible to respond immedi-ately to any internal and extemal disturbances in the process by generating substitute plans.

-    Order Execution. Effective order execution calls for the integration of production, logistic and marketing plans of the manufacturer. The manufacturer should attempt to maintain good relations with suppliers within the supply chain, in order to provide added value to customers and reduce product delivery costs resulting from their geo-graphical location, characteristics of raw materi-als offered and the selection of transport modes.

-    Manufacturing Flow Management. The process is directly related with flexible manufacturing of

See Długosz J.: Nowoczesne lechnologie w logistyce ...

products, their ąuality control, analysis of devia-tions and continuous control of stocks in ware-houses. There is a close collaboration of manufacturing flow management module with CRM aimed at building an optimal production infra-structure.

-    Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). In a sense, SRM reflects the capabilities of CRM. The difference is, however, that SRM influences product and service suppliers. SRM is supposed to identify and build close business relations with Key Suppliers (classification of suppliers by their profitability, development opportunities and methods of servicing sold products).

-    Product Development and Sales. The key im-portance is attributed to how fast a new product or improved product can be launched on the market; in this way SCM integrates customers and suppliers in the process of product development.

-    Claim Management. Effective claim management is a major component of SCM. Many companies neglect this aspect, while it tums out to be an es-sential factor for the company to gain competitive advantage. The process requires good knowledge of environment protection issues and some legał aspects related with product use procedures.16


The presented concept of integrated Computer system of management in logistics makes use of com-puter-aided systems already employed in management and control of manufacturing processes (CAM and CIM), those used in the logistics of materials supply and co-operation (MRPI, MRPII and ERP) and in distribution logistics (WMS and CMR). The integrated Computer system also incorporates Computer systems supporting management in forward-ing, transport, banking, insurance, customs etc.

The electronic data interchange (EDI) is the platform used for the integration all the above men-tioned systems.


1.    Adamczewski P., Zintegrowane systemy informatyczne w praktyce. Wydawnictwo MIKOM, Warszawa 2004

2.    Długosz J.: Nowoczesne technologie w logistyce, PWE, Warszawa 2009

3.    Douglas M. Lambert [et al.] ; tl Michał Lipa Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, (TyLoryg.: Harvard Business Review on Supply Chain Management) HELION, Gliwice 2007

16 See Douglas M.. Lambert [et al.]: tl Lipa M.: Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw,. HELION. Gliwice 2007


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