Collegium Civitas
Admissions Office
address: Pałace of Culture
and Science, 12th floor
Plac Defilad 1
00-901 Warsaw, Poland
tel: (48) (22) 656 71 89
fax: (48) (22) 656 71 75
Collegium Civitas |
was founded in 1997 under the |
International contacts of Collegium Civitas are |
Collegium Civitas. Among its |
instructors there are also |
auspices of The Polish Academy of Science and sińce that |
extensive. It also hosts many distinguished visiting |
former Ambassadors and Chi |
arge d'affaires. | |
. earned a deserved reputation of |
scholars, MA in Asian Studies represents a perfect |
the center of Warsaw, in | ||
an excepuonai piace |
to study International relałions. |
enample of a program, taught mostly by experts from |
the landmark Pałace of Culture and Science. The site | |
social and political scie |
rnces in English. Collegium Civitas |
abroad. |
contains most of the provisio |
rts for a comfortable life, |
is situated in the ver |
y heart of Warsaw, the Capital of |
Out of the eight last Polish university rankings, |
from banks and post-olfices to |
restaurants and bars. |
Poland. In Central and |
l Hast Europę it is one of the very |
Collegium Civitas has won the first place six times, once |
Finally, Collegium Qvitas is < |
i non-profit unhrersity. Its |
bestifitcomestoavai |
riety and quality of offered courses |
being third and once second. According to prominent |
status helps it maintain tuition |
fees at a very reasonable |
and programs taught |
in English. Collegium Civitas is |
weekly Newsweek Polska, graduates of Collegium |
level. Some programs, like Mf |
t in Asian Studies, are co- |
entitled to award BA, 1 |
4A and PhD degrees. It has a rich |
Civitas are among those who are most sought-after by |
funded by the European Un |
ion. Combined with Iow |
variety o( programs. One of the rr proposals is a Master Program in Asian S Collegium Civitas boasts Accredil
potential employers in Collegiun
costs of living in Warsaw compared to other European capitals, Collegium Cvitas is indeed one of the most
d (ror
who value what they study, how they study and how their studies will impact their futurę plans.
See you amongour students!
s by the
University Accreditation Commission at the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities. Collegium Civitas is the only university in Poland that awards the Joint European Degree. Together with Kingston University London, UK, University of Siena, Italy, Viadrina European University, Germany, it runs the Humań Rights and Genocide Studies MA Program.
nationally re bility of mar
es by visiting speakers, pr
tat make studying at Collegium Civitas a truły •warding experience. Hardly any univeisity in Europę ay boast the fact that as many as four of its lectureis re Members of the EU Parliament, as it is the case in