Hydrological conseąuences of human action..

most lakes into the runoff system, the changing dynamics of water circulation, the discharging of coal-mine waters and the recreational utilization of lakes and their neighbourhood have all contributed to ąuality changes in surface and groundwaters. Solute load in surface waters has generally increased. The hydrochemical types of lakę waters, characteristic for natural waters, changed to those encountered only in conditions of anthropopressure. The eutrophication process has been accelerated in most lakes. In some lakes natural evolution has been disturbed due to the fact that a dystrophic reservoir changes into an eutrophic one or vice versa.

The specified changes in the hydrosphere are followed by numerous natural conseąuences, to which specialists draw morę and morę attention. Peat soils undergo degradation, rare plant species disappear, particularly on mires and in water reservoirs, changes in the fauna are also observed. The valuable natural and landscape ąualities of this region decrease; and this process will proceed if counter measures are not taken. The present attempts at recultivation of the degraded areas do not promise success because of their limited rangę, an in properly chosen area near a coal-mine, and controversial methods of action.

In the Łęczna—Włodawa Lakę Region, water is the decisive element determining the specificity of the environment and its capacity for self-regulation. In order to preserve the water conditions in a state enabling protection of the whole environment from unfavourable natural changes, it is necessary to subordinate farming, coal-mining and recreation to the primary goal — the preservation of the natural and landscape ąualities of this exceptional region. The most important postulates include: a) prevention of encroaching coal exploitation in the Lakę Region area; b) changing the distribution of waters taken from the Wieprz river and conveying them to the Wieprz—Krzna canal, thus not letting them enter oligotrophic and dystrophic lakes or bogs and transition mires; c) development of plans conceming the utilization of areas adjacent to the lakes to guarantee the ąuality of surface and groundwaters.


Bałaga KL, 1982, Vegetational History ofthe Lakę Łukcze Enuironment (Lublin Polesie, E Poland) during the Lake-glacial on Holocene, Acta Paleobot. 22, 1, 7-22.

Bałaga KL, Buraczyński J., Wojtanowicz J., 1983, Budowa geologiczna i rozwój torfowiska Krowie Bagno-Polesie Lubelskie (Geological structure and deuelopment of the Krowie Bagno peat-

land), Ann. UMCS, s. B., 35/36, 37-62.

Buraczyński J., 1983, Rzeźba powierzchni podczwartorzędowej, [in:] Kenozoik Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin, 65-72.

Buraczyński J., Wojtanowicz J., 1974, Geneza jezior usciwierskich (Pojezierze Łęczyńsko-Wło-dawskie), Mat. Krajowego Symp. Paleolimnologicznego, Warszawa (manuscript). Chmielewski T. J., Radwan S., 1993, Zmiany stosunków ekologicznych w rejonie Poleskiego Parku Narodowego w ostatnich 75 latach, [in:] Ekosystemy wodne i torfowiskowe w obszarach chronionych, PTH, TWWP, AR, PPN, Lublin, 13-25.


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