MSc in Contro! in Electrical Power Engineering

Wrocław University of Technology

address: Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrodaw, Poland

phone: +48 71 320 37 11, +48 71 320 31 70, +48 71 320 37 19, +48 71 320 44 39

e-mail: admission@pwr.wroc.pl internet: www.pwr.wroc.pl

■ degree

Master of Science

■    duration

2 years (4 semesters)

■    language


■ description

Wrocław University of Technology

The students can spend fuli duration of the studies in Wrodaw University of Technology or benefit from the double degree option: the joint double degree programme run together with Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada and Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany is aimed to foster student exchange within the context of bilateral curricular development. The goal of the program is to improve the quality of graduate-level education and training in the field of control engineering. It is focused on new and challenging issues of power system automation and control. The Programme offered by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering is split up into three theory semesters and finally a Master Thesis semester. The 4-week industrial placement is a part of the studies as well. The best students willing to study in Toronto should spend their first year at RU and second year at WRUT. Alternatively, the students can study their first year at BUT in Cottbus and then continue their second year at WRUT.

Programme coordinator: Tomasz Sikorski, PhD, Faculty of Electrical Engineering


non EU / EFTA students: 4000 EUR per year EU / EFTA students: no tuition fee Application fee (paid once): non EU / EFTA students: 200 EUR EU / EFTA students: 17 EUR

■    deadline

July 15, 2013 for students who want to take part in 4 semester programme at WrUT only; June 1 for students who want to take in DD programme with BTU; March 31,2013 for students who want to take part in DD programme with RU

■    contact

Admission Office Phone: +48 71 320 37 11,

+48 71 320 31 70,

+48 71 320 37 19, +48 71 320 44 39 E-mail: admission@pwr.wroc.pl

■    institution

Wrocław University of Technology

■    next begins

September, 2013 (at Ryerson University, Canada) October, 2013 (at Wrodaw University of Technology or Branderburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany)

■    education requirements

Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering or related field

English- minimum requirements: TOEFL - 550 points or IELTS - 6 points or equivalent as per the University requirements

■    scholarships

A student who obtained good results in the first year can get a scholarship for deserving in the following year.

PWr 6


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