The goai would be to teduee the ccm ot chmcal ser vices ptovided b^ adpisting the clrnical cent formula There providing pnmary^caro m a hospstal sotting under a contract
Under the crtisong Legislatwe frame work. migrant workers can register one day and receivc covcrage the same day.These mdiyiduals may only be resident m the TO for relauvely short periods of time, and m the case of the domeslic WorkerS.and laborers.are ohfy makuig mnlitaal payments fot eoverage of themselves and their dependents. A two ticr pobcy diffcrenoatmg long term residcnts and short term resSdcnls woh differeot benefit packagcs might be an option
The NHIP regulations already outfme whith sennees are offered to its metnbers on a limited basis or toully exdudcd However, one of the greatest risks to the sustamabilicy of the NHIP fund is the open ended and unhmited naturę of ns treatment abroad policy Medlcal treatment overseas is available to all members without Cap. deductlble. or duraoon.