25.    Dopełniacz “s”:

It i s Mary ’ s tum to wash up.

My sisteris son is ten years old.

This is the teachers’ room.

26.    Przyimki czasu:

See you on Monday.

I was born in December.

The lecture starts at 8 o’clock.

-    We lived in Kraków for five years.

I’m going to work at the weekend.

27.    Przyimki miejsca i ruchu:

He is sitting at the table.

There are no pictures on the walls.

My friends live in Chicago.

Alice found the key under the table.

I’m going to the cinema now.

Tom came from London yesterday.

28.    Przedimek nieokreślony/określony/ brak przedimka:

I need a pencil.

Books are quite expensive.

Is there a Computer in the room?

I don’t drink beer. Can I have a coffee? Your jacket is on the chair.

I feel tired. Tm going to bed.

We can have lunch at 13.00.

29.    Określanie ilości:

Children need a lot of sleep.

Do you have any cheese?

-    We’d like some ice-cream.

How much is it?

I don’t have many friends in Warsaw.

30.    Zaimki wskazujące bliższe i dalsze:

This cake is really tasty.

What did that man want?

These people are waiting for you.

Those houses are very modem.

31.    Stopień wyższy i najwyższy przymiotnika:

Mary is shorter than her sister.

I’m better at speaking.

Tom is the youngest in the class.

Skiing is morę difficult that snowboarding.


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