A po* ot Komologou* chromosom#*
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Oiwł w*i*41 Chorocftariift Kopiod c«lt
IK.CRK 13-7
Kcplaong j chrumotomal gcnc by trantplaccmcnt Ocanly replatiog a ihnimmaimil gcnc with an inacYitatcd oc iKhcrmiur modthcd gcnc i% i morc lomplnafcd proccis than umplc intcgrarmn. it rctpnre* j double rctombmanon To iriKtiuic the ihf»Hno«»cnil YfC gcnc. a rcurktmo fragment tt rrrmncd from ehe Kffi gcnc lootaincil un a plawmd and rrplatcd mith a fragment carrymg a marker gcnc, VŁ43.
I hi% imentnn dnrupt* the mding topienie of the YW gcnc and utually complctcly dettmyt irt furwiion From thtt nem platrmd. a fragment b iv>latcd carrymg the dtuuptcd YłC %cqucfKe The fragment, rather than the mh<4c platrmd, b tramformed into a vca*t wam carntng a »nM mutatnin With Iow but morkahlc frcqucocy* the trantfurmed fragment rccnmbinc* tiKt, owoc at eaih md. rctulting in rcplatcmcnr of the chrommnmal genc mith the engincercd one Thete integrantt are tclcitcd b\ platmg on piąto Im king urattl, and the unit turę of the intcgration it utuall\ t onhrmcd bv Southern bl«* analv\»% of the >eau DNA Notę bom thi% diffen from the umplc intcgratmnt me dtumtrd earlter chrommomal iequenco arr rcplaccd rather than timplv dupin ated U hen performed m a diploid %train, thb kr*xkout ariet tt onlv one of the two allclo of YK» To tot the cffctt of the knot knur in the ahtente of the mild typc alicie, the diploid is sporulatcd to grnerate haploid tpores a% ihown in Figurę 15-8