Neuroscience and Education

Brain-based learning in schools
At a recent conference held to mark the
launch of the Centre for Neuroscience in
Education at the University of Cambridge1,
teachers reported receiving more than
70 mailshots a year encouraging them to
attend courses on brain-based learning.
Similar phenomena have been reported in
other countries2. These courses suggest, for
example, that children should be identified
as either  left-brained or  right-brained
learners, because individuals  prefer one
type of processing3. Teachers are told that
the left brain dominates in the processing
of language, logic, mathematical formulae,
number, sequence, linearity, analysis and
unrelated factual information. Meanwhile,
the right brain is said to dominate in the
processing of forms and patterns, spatial
manipulation, rhythm, images and pictures,
daydreaming, and relationships in learning3.
Teachers are advised to ensure that their
classroom practice is automatically  left- and
right-brain balanced to avoid a mismatch
between learner preference and learning
experience3. This neuromyth probably stems
from an over-literal interpretation of
hemispheric specialization.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 12 April 2006; doi:10.1038/nrn1907
Other courses for teachers advise that
children s learning styles should be identified
as either visual, auditory or kinaesthetic,
and that children should then wear a badge
labelled either V, A or K while in school,
showing their learning style for the benefit
Neuroscience and education:
of all of their teachers. Still others argue that
adoption of a commercial package  Brain
from research to practice?
GymR ensures that  true education happens.
Brain GymR prescribes a series of simple
Usha Goswami
body movements4  to integrate all areas of
the brain to enhance learning . Teachers are
Abstract | Cognitive neuroscience is making rapid strides in areas highly relevant
told that  in technical terms, information
to education. However, there is a gulf between current science and direct classroom
is received by the brainstem as an  impress ,
applications. Most scientists would argue that filling the gulf is premature.
but may be inaccessible to the front brain as
Nevertheless, at present, teachers are at the receiving end of numerous  brain- an  express . This & locks the student into
a failure syndrome. Whole-brain learning
based learning packages. Some of these contain alarming amounts of
draws out the potential locked in the body
misinformation, yet such packages are being used in many schools. What, if
and enables students to access those areas
anything, can neuroscientists do to help good neuroscience into education?
of the brain previously unavailable to them.
Improvements in learning & are often
There is a hunger in schools for informa- brain science. The speed with which such immediate . It is even claimed that the child
tion about the brain. Teachers are keen to packages have gained widespread cur- can press certain  brain buttons under their
reap the benefits of the  century of neuro- rency in schools is astonishing. This article ribs4 to focus the visual system for reading
science for their students. In neuroscience highlights some pervasive  neuromyths that and writing.
laboratories, considerable progress is being have taken root in education, gives a flavour Many in education accept claims such
made in understanding the neurocognitive of the information being presented to as these as established fact5. Scientists have
development underpinning essential skills teachers as neuroscientific fact, and reviews already alerted society to the neuromyths
taught by educators, such as numeracy and recent findings in neuroscience that could that are dominant in education at present6 8.
literacy. This progress is largely theoretical. be relevant to education. It also considers In addition to the left brain/right brain
The current gulf between neuroscience what, if anything, we should do now to learning myth, neuromyths that relate to
and education is being filled by packages influence the widespread misapplication of critical periods for learning and to syn-
and programmes claiming to be based on science to education. aptogenesis can be identified. The critical
period myth suggests that the child s brain
a Young readers Adult readers Figure 1 | Brain areas involved in typical read-
will not work properly if it does not receive ing development and dyslexia measured
the right amount of stimulation at the right with functional MRI. a | Images in the top panel
show the early reliance on the left posterior supe-
time (an insightful analysis is provided by
rior temporal cortex, which is known to be
Byrnes9). Direct teaching of certain skills
involved in phonological processing, in children
must occur during the critical period, or the
learning to read, and the expansive involvement
window of opportunity to educate will be
of the left parietal, temporal and frontal cortices
missed. The synaptogenesis myth promotes
in adult readers. Correlations between brain
Reading acquisition
the idea that more will be learned if teaching
activity during reading and reading ability
is timed with periods of synaptogenesis7.
(measured on standardized tests) demonstrate
Educational interventions will be more effec-
increased involvement of the left temporal and
tive if teachers ensure that they coincide with frontal regions, associated with phonology and
increases in synaptic density. Educational semantics, as reading develops (bottom panel).
Right posterior activation declines as reading
interventions are also sometimes suggested
is acquired, presumably indicating reduced reli-
to be superior if they encourage  neuroplas-
ance on the systems for recognizing non-lexical
ticity 10, and teachers are told that neural Increase in activity Decrease in activity
forms. b | Summary of brain regions engaged dur-
networks can be altered by  neuroplasticity
ing reading and reading-related tasks in typically
b Neurobiological basis of dyslexia
training programmes 10. Teachers do not
developing readers (left inferior frontal gyrus, left
realize that, although there might be sensi-
temporoparietal cortex and left inferotemporal
tive periods for some forms of learning, the
cortex) and readers with dyslexia (left inferior
effects of any type of training programme
frontal gyrus only). Panel a reproduced, with per-
that changes behaviour will be reflected in mission, from REF. 19 © (2003) Macmillan
the  remapping of neural networks. Publishers Ltd. Panel b courtesy of G. Eden,
Centre for the Study of Learning, Georgetown
University, Washington, DC, USA.
Typical readers Dyslexic readers
Neuroscience in the classroom
These neuromyths need to be eliminated.
The dominance of these myths obscures the
important strides being made by cognitive conversion, whereas mature English readers Studies of children with developmental
neuroscience in many areas relevant to show greater activation of an area known as dyslexia (children who are failing to learn to
education. For example, our understanding the visual word form area (VWFA) in the read normally despite average intelligence
of the neural bases of the  3 Rs  read- left occipital temporal region12. Although and educational opportunity) show that,
ing, writing and arithmetic  is growing originally proposed as the substrate of visual atypically, the right temporoparietal cortex
rapidly. So is our understanding of how to word recognition14,15, this neural area has continues to be activated during reading21.
optimize the brain s ability to benefit from also been proposed to involve phonology Children with developmental dyslexia also
teaching. Good instructional practice can be  for example, through the computation of show significantly less activation in the usual
undermined by brain-based factors such as orthographic phonological connections16,17. left hemisphere sites. If targeted remediation
learning anxiety, attention deficits and poor Its greater activation in English could reflect is provided, usually through intensive tuition
recognition of social cues. All of these fac- the several levels of spelling-sound corres- in phonological skills and in letter-sound
tors disrupt an individual s capacity to learn, pondence that are important for decoding conversion, activity in the left temporal and
and also have an effect on other learners in English18 (for example, reading BOMIC parietal areas appears to normalize22,23. So far,
the same classroom. by letter-sound conversion or by analogy however, developmental neuroimaging stud-
to COMIC). Readers of Chinese show ies have been short term and mostly confined
Reading and dyslexia. From work with relatively more engagement of visuospatial to English. Theoretically motivated studies
adults, it is well established that a left-hemi- areas, presumably for recognizing complex across languages are now required24.
sphere network of frontal, temporoparietal characters13. These developmental imaging studies
and occipitotemporal regions underpins Developmentally, it is known from show that we can begin to pin-point the neu-
mature reading11. However, cross-language behavioural studies that pre-readers who can ral systems responsible for the acquisition
imaging studies show some interesting recognize phonological similarity (for exam- of reading skills, and that we can remediate
variations. These seem to depend on how ple, that CAT and HAT rhyme, or that CAT inefficiencies in these systems. However, so
the orthography (the writing system) of a and CUP share the first sound) become bet- far, these studies do not tell teachers  what
language represents phonology (the sounds ter readers. Imaging studies have confirmed works in the classroom. Most training stud-
of the language). When learners of transpar- that young readers primarily depend on the ies have used interventions already known
ent writing systems (for example, Italian) are left posterior superior temporal cortex, the to be successful from educational research,
contrasted with learners of non-transparent area identified in adult studies as the locus and have simply documented that neural
(for example, English) or character-based of phonological decoding19 (FIG. 1). Activity changes in the expected areas accompany
(for example, Chinese) writing systems, in this region is also modulated by children s behavioural changes22,23. So far, neuroimag-
highly similar brain areas are found to be phonological skills. As literacy is acquired, ing tells us little more, but, the potential is
active during reading12,13. However, mature the VWFA (described as a  skill zone by there. For example, imaging offers the possi-
readers of transparent orthographies show some developmental neuroscientists20) is bility of identifying neural indices of a child s
greater activity in the left planum temporale, more engaged and areas initially active potential difficulties, which may be hidden
a brain region involved in letter-sound in the right hemisphere are disengaged. from view earlier in development. We can
attempt to identify neural markers for pho- to estimate the central point of a horizontal Turner syndrome43, who typically present
nological sensitivity, such as brain responses line, midpoint estimation systematically with visuospatial and number processing
to auditory cues for rhythm25, to identify deviates to the left if the line is made up of deficits44. Sulcal morphometry using new
who is at risk of later reading difficulties. 2s (222222222& ) and to the right if the line techniques45 revealed that the right intra-
Alternatively, we can seek general language is made up of 9s (999999999& )36. The num- parietal sulcal pattern of most patients with
markers for dyslexia26. In both cases, early bers automatically bias attention. Patients Turner syndrome showed aberrant branch-
identification of infants with poor skills with visual neglect, a disorder of spatial ing, abnormal interruption and/or unusual
would enable language interventions to pre- attention following right parietal damage, orientation43. It was suggested that this
vent dyslexia long before schooling27. systematically neglect the left side of space. anatomical disorganization could explain
Studies could also be designed to test These patients show a rightward bias in line the visuospatial and arithmetic impairments
neural hypotheses. For example, a popular bisection tasks. This rightward bias was even found behaviourally. A study of very low
cognitive theory of developmental dyslexia found for oral estimation (for example, when birthweight children with arithmetical dif-
proposes a cerebellar deficit28. A commercial asked to state the numerical midpoint of 2 ficulties found reduced grey matter in the
exercise-based treatment programme, and 6, patients tended to give answers like left intraparietal sulcus46. Control studies
the DDAT (Dyslexia Dyspraxia Attention 5)37. Therefore, numerical manipulations are now required to determine whether the
Deficit Treatment)29, aims to remediate seem to depend crucially on intact spatial parietal sulci are abnormal in other develop-
cerebellar difficulties. Children are encour- representations; indeed, blind adults who mental syndromes that do not present with
aged to practise motor skills such as catching acquire numbers spatially show normal arithmetical difficulties. If parietal abnor-
beanbags while standing on one leg on a parietal distance effects38. malities characterize only children present-
cushion. This is claimed to benefit reading. So far, findings from adult neuroimaging ing with arithmetical impairments, this
Imaging studies could measure where neural and neuropsychological studies remain to would imply a direct link between the brain
changes occur in response to such remedia- be applied to understanding mathematical and behaviour. Children without apparent
tion, to see whether permanent changes to development in children. One important developmental syndromes who present with
the neural areas for reading are involved electroencephalogram (EEG) study showed unusually poor number processing in the
(this seems unlikely  any effects found for that when 5-year-old children perform the classroom would then need to be assessed
reading are probably short-term placebo number comparison task ( is 4 larger or for parietal damage.
effects). smaller than 5? ) they show effects at similar
electrodes in the parietal cortex as adults, with Attention, emotion and social cognition.
Number and dyscalculia. Progress in under- similar latencies39 (FIG. 2). However, reaction The short attention spans of some children
standing the underpinnings of arithmetic time data showed that the children were pose continual problems for their teachers.
has been rapid since the proposal that the three times slower to organize the key press Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity
human brain has dedicated circuits for rec- response. This imaging experiment raises disorder (ADHD) are particularly challeng-
ognizing numerosity30. This  number sense the possibility that, neurally, young children ing to educate, as they are inattentive and
capacity depends on parietal, prefrontal and can extract numerical information as fast as impulsive, cruising the classroom instead of
cingulate areas, with the horizontal segment adults. The slow acquisition of calculation focusing on their work. Of course, all young
of the bilateral intraparietal sulcus (HIPS) skills in the primary years might, therefore, children experience some difficulties in
playing a central part in the basic representa- reflect difficulties in understanding arith- sustaining attention and inhibiting impulses.
tion and manipulation of quantity31. In sim- metic notation and place value, rather than Perhaps attentional training might benefit
ple paradigms, in which participants have difficulties in understanding the relationship all preschoolers47, leading to educational
to decide whether, for example, 3 is larger between digits and quantities. Neuroimaging advantages?
than 5, the HIPS might be the only region studies can help us to investigate this possibil- A recent brain imaging study claimed
specifically engaged. Activity in the HIPS is ity. Also of interest to teachers is the evidence that 5 days of attention training significantly
modulated by the semantic distance between for the spatial mental number line. At present, improved performance on tests of intel-
numbers and by the size of numbers32. Other there are various models in schools for teach- ligence in 4- and 6-year-old children48. The
arithmetic operations are more dependent ing children ordinal knowledge of number children were given training exercises to
on language-based fact retrieval, such as  that numbers come in an ordered scale of improve stimulus discrimination, anticipa-
simple multiplication, which activates the magnitude. The finding that the brain has a tion and conflict resolution. For example,
angular gyrus33. preferred mode of representation suggests they learned to track a cartoon cat on a
Some arithmetic operations depend on that teachers should build on this spatial sys- computer screen by using a joystick, to
the mental  number line . This is an appar- tem when teaching ordinality and place value anticipate the movement of a duck across a
ently universal mental spatial representation  for example, through teaching tools such pond by moving the cat to where the duck
of number, in which smaller numbers are as the  empty number line 40,41. should emerge, and to select the larger
represented on the left side of space and Developmental dyscalculia occurs when of two arrays of digits when conflict was
larger numbers are represented on the a child experiences unexpected difficulty in introduced by using smaller digits to present
right34. The interactions revealed between learning arithmetic in the absence of mental the larger array. Attention was tested before
number and space in the parietal cortex retardation despite adequate schooling and and after the training exercises by asking
have been particularly interesting. Manual social environment42. One possible neural children to press a computer key to indicate
responses to large numbers are faster when explanation is that the core quantity system which direction the central fish in a row
the response is on the right side of space, in the HIPS has developed abnormally. of five fish was facing. Before training, the
and vice versa for smaller numbers35. In line This possibility was investigated by a children were also given an intelligence test,
bisection tasks, in which participants have functional MRI (fMRI) study of girls with and the same test was repeated after 5 days
of training (which in itself would improve
a b
Dots Digits
performance, due to item familiarity). ERP epoch begins ERP epoch ends
Children in the control group either received
Adult RT
the attention and intelligence tests only, or
attended the laboratory for five sessions
0 400 800 1600
of watching popular videos. No matched
Time (ms)
computer training with animal cartoons
was provided to train a control skill, such as
memory. Even so, attention training did not
improve performance in attention. Instead,
an effect of attention training was found for 9
one of the intelligence tests. Scores on the
c Adults 5 year olds
Matrices subtest improved by a significant
Digits vs dots
6.5 points for the trained 4-year-olds only.
Digit Dot
EEG data were then collected to determine
whether neural conflict-related attentional
effects familiar from adults would be found
in the trained children. The effect sought
was a larger frontal negativity for incongru- 400 800 400 800
ent trials at the frontoparietal electrodes,
Average RT
Stimulus onset Average RT Stimulus onset
particularly at Cz. Despite the lack of 1576 msec
behavioural effects, an electrophysiological
effect was found for the trained 6 year olds
Digits: close vs far
at the target electrode (Cz). For the trained
Close Far
4 year olds, a  hint of an effect was found
at a different frontal electrode (Fz). From
" "
these single electrode results, it was argued
that the executive attention network can
400 800
400 800
be influenced by educational interventions
during development. However, as the
Stimulus onset
attention intervention did not affect the Stimulus onset Average RT
children s performance in the attention tasks,
further research is needed to support this
Dots: close vs far
conclusion. Unusually, the authors offer
Close Far
their training programme free through the
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development, enabling other scientists
" "
" "
to test its effectiveness. This is to be highly
400 800 400 800
The neural substrates for emotional
processing are increasingly well understood.
Stimulus onset Average RT Stimulus onset
For example, the amygdala is known to be
Figure 2 | Electrophysiological recordings of activity during number processing tasks in
important for the interpretation of emo-
children and adults. a | Participants were shown numbers, represented by either dots or digits, and
tional and social signals, particularly from
required to press a response key with their left hand if the numbers were smaller than 5, or with their
the face and eyes49. In adults, the degree of
right hand if the numbers were larger than 5. In adults, the typical finding in such tests is that responses
amygdala activation is particularly correlated
are faster when numbers are distant (for example, 9 or 1) rather than close (6 or 4) to 5; this is called the
with the intensity of facial expressions of
distance effect. Behavioural data indicated distance effects for both adults and children in this task.
fear49. Children, too, show amygdala activity
b | A schematic depiction of the event-related potential (ERP) procedure. Recording of brain activity
to fearful expressions, and children with
began 200 ms before and ended 800 ms after stimulus onset. Within this recording epoch, voltage
autism (who have impaired social cogni- changes associated with the behavioural distance effect for adults and children were found at similar
parietal electrode sites. However, the schematic shows that the key press response required ~500 ms
tion) have significantly increased amygdala
for the adults, but ~1,600 ms for the children. Whereas numbers seem to be recognized at similar
volume50. The anatomical system involved
latencies by children and adults, organization of the required response takes much longer for children.
in fear processing could be abnormal from
c | Representative posterior channel (91) comparing ERPs in adults and 5 year olds for the number
an early age in autism, as was suggested by
comparison task. The x-axis is in milliseconds and corresponds to a 1-s epoch of recorded electro-
a recent EEG study with 3 year olds51. The
encephalogram (EEG; 200 ms baseline, 800 ms poststimulus). Top panel, notation effects (digits versus
mirror neuron system in the inferior frontal
dots). The two age groups show qualitatively similar initial components (P1, N1 and P2p) with only
gyrus is also involved in understanding the
slightly delayed peaks in the 5 year olds. Middle panel, ERP distance effect for digits in both age groups.
emotional states of others52. The results of a
Bottom panel, ERP distance effect for dots in both age groups. Significant differences associated with
recent fMRI study showed no activity in this
distance began in children 50 ms after adults despite children having reaction times (RTs) that were
area in children with autism when compared >1,000 ms longer. Asterisk denotes significant differences at p < 0.5. Modified, with permission, from
REF. 39 © (1998) National Academy of Sciences.
with typically developing children during the
and physical abuse at home seem to process scientists laboratories. The teachers were
emotions differently from other children54. amazed by how little was known. Although
In later childhood they are also more likely there was enthusiasm for and appreciation
to have conduct disorders that make them of getting first-hand information, this was
difficult to teach55. Such children are prone coupled with frustration at hearing that
to an anger attribution bias, tending to many of the brain-based programmes cur-
(mis)attribute anger to the actions and state- rently in schools had no scientific basis. The
ments of others54. So far, little neuroimaging frustration arose because the neuroscientists
work has been done with such children. If were not telling the teachers  what works
atypical brain development is found, and instead . One delegate said that the confer-
if training programmes can be devised to ence  Left teachers feeling [that] they had
improve these children s reading of social lots stripped away from them and nothing
signals, this would be of benefit to education. put in [its] place . Another commented that
We already know that it might be possible to  Class teachers will take on new initiatives if
teach children with autism to  read emotions they are sold on the benefits for the children.
to some degree56. Optimal interventions Ultimately this is where brains live! .
for other groups of children could also be This last comment surely provides an
designed, with imaging data helping to pin- insight into the success of the brain-based
point the brain networks to be targeted. learning industry. Inspirational marketing
A similar logic applies to learning ensures that teachers who attend these
anxiety. Neuroimaging studies of anxi- conferences do get  sold on the supposed
ety disorders in adults focus particularly benefits of these programmes for the
on structural and functional changes in children that they teach. Owing to placebo
the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the effects, these programmes may indeed
temporal lobes, including the amygdala57. bring benefits to children in the short term.
Anxiety disorders are known to increase However, such programmes are unlikely to
following traumatic brain injury (TBI). A yield benefits in the long term, and so many
RH neuroimaging study of children aged 4 19 will naturally fall out of use (one teacher
years with severe TBI showed that children commented  We no longer make children
Figure 3 | Neural activity during imitation and
with more damage to the OFC were less wear their VAK badges ). The question for
observation of emotional expressions for
typically developing children and children likely to develop anxiety disorders58. The society is, should neuroscientists do any-
with autism spectrum disorders. a | Shows
authors suggested that an imbalance in the thing about this misuse of science? After all,
brain activation recorded during imitation of
OFC amygdala connection could influence each of these programmes will have a natural
emotional expressions. Activity in the bilateral
the expression of anxiety, and pointed out life, and will then go away. Only findings
pars opercularis (stronger in the right) of the
that in non-human primates these connec- for the classroom that are really based on
inferior frontal gyrus is seen in the typically devel-
tions begin to develop during gestation. neuroscience will endure. So should we do
oping group (top panel) but not in the group with
Anxiety disorders can be treated, and anything now?
autism spectrum disorders (ASD; middle panel).
neuroimaging in adults suggests that some At least two lessons for science and society
A between-group comparison (bottom panel)
beneficial treatments target the amygdala59. have emerged from efforts to bring together
revealed that this difference is significant (t >1.83,
As in adults, anxiety in children appears to neuroscience and education1,62,63. The first
p <0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons at
the cluster level). RH, right hemisphere; LH, left affect attentional systems, leading children is the immense goodwill that teachers and
hemisphere. b | Activity in the mirror neuron
to selectively shift attention towards threat- educators have for neuroscience  they are
system during the observation of emotional
ening stimuli60. Again, it might be possible very interested in neuroscience, they feel
expressions53. The right pars opercularis showed
to devise early interventions for such chil- that we have the potential to make important
significantly greater activity in typically develop-
dren, and to use neuroimaging to identify discoveries about human learning, and they
ing children than in children with ASD (t >1.83,
who is most likely to benefit. are eager to learn about these discoveries
p <0.05, small volume corrected). Reproduced,
and to contribute ideas and suggestions.
with permission, from REF. 53 © (2006) Macmillan
Can we bridge the gulf? Many teachers have found attending these
Publishers Ltd.
While we await such developments, can we conferences an intellectually exhilarating
bridge the gulf between neuroscience and experience. The second lesson is that neuro-
imitation of emotional expressions53 (FIG. 3). education by speaking directly to teachers, scientists may not be those best placed to
Mirror neurons appear to mediate our and sidestepping the middlemen of the communicate with teachers in any sustained
understanding of emotional states via imita- brain-based learning industry? We are trying way. The scientists are seen as too concerned
tion, allowing the translation of an observed to do this in our UK seminar series, and to establish the rigour of their experimental
action (such as a facial expression) into its through the International Mind, Brain and manipulations, and as providing too much
internally felt emotional significance52. This Education Society1,61. For example, at the data. Most teachers prefer broad brush mes-
translation appeared to be absent in autism. Cambridge conference, prominent neuro- sages with a  big picture , and being  told what
Research such as this allows us to study the scientists working in areas such as literacy, works
. Neuroscientists are not necessarily
neural underpinnings of emotional process- numeracy, IQ, learning, social cognition gifted at communicating with society at large,
ing in children in mainstream schooling. For and ADHD spoke directly to teachers about and they are appropriately cautious about
example, children exposed to harsh discipline the scientific evidence being gathered in saying that something  works .
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