consultants howto 22 6TM4KDPJ6CR6UG2ESYUZF2HLQI2C2OH6ZZ6QYKI

Linux Consultants HOWTO: Germany - Baden-Württemberg 22. Germany - Baden-Württemberg22.1 ABC OnlineMedien Goethestraße 9 D-78600 Kolbingen GermanyPhone:+49 7463 9900 x10Fax:+49 7463 9900 x15EMail:info@abc-kolbingen.comURL: Balg <>Type of support:Schulung, Fernwartung, Vor-Ort-Service (Süddeutschland und Schweiz), Beratung und Consulting.Special expertise:Entwicklung und Administration von Internet und Intranet-Lösungen, LANs, WANs und Netzwerkintegration Linux basierender Server, Design und Hosting von WWW-Pages, insbesondere Entwicklung und/oder Implementation web-basierender Informationsdienste, und Anwendungen für Intra-, Extra- und Internet. WWW-Datenbankanbindungen für Linux-SQL Datenbanken, Schulung, Support.Sample prices:Upon request.Last modified:July 12, 1998.22.2 Hans-Joachim Baader Poppelfeld 9 D-76646 Bruchsal GermanyPhone:+49 7257 930142Fax:+49 7257 930143EMail:hans@grumbeer.inka.deContact:Hans-Joachim BaaderType of support:Free support by EMail, phone, fax if I can answer by EMail.Special expertise:Linux and Unix programming and system administration. Process automation, network programming, databases, realtime systems.Sample prices:Upon request.Last modified:June 22, 1997.22.3 Günter Fischer, Parachute Alliance GdBR Langstraße 12 Postfach 101122 D-68011 Mannheim GermanyPhone:+49 621 1718030467Fax:+49 621 334933EMail:100723.1605@compuserve.comContact:Günter L. FischerType of support:EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.Special expertise:Installation, programming services, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, firewall installation, reseller of software by Caldera.Sample prices:DM 135/hour.Last modified:October 12, 1997.22.4 Achim Hornecker Belchenstr. 8 D-79194 Gundelfingen GermanyPhone:+49 761 589073Fax:+49 761 2035541EMail:ahorn@iname.comURL: HorneckerType of support:EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.Special expertise:Installation, programming (C, C++, Perl, Java), Internet and Intranet connectivity, training, heterogeneous networks, web development.Sample prices:DM 80/hour.Last modified:June 17, 1997.22.5 MU Softwareentwicklung Wacholderweg 14 D-70597 Stuttgart GermanyPhone:+49 711 7676184Fax:+49 711 7676185EMail:info@musoftware.comURL: (In German)Contact:Ullrich von Bassewitz <>Type of support:Phone, EMail and inhouse.Special expertise:Installation, programming services, Internet and Intranet connectivity.Sample prices:Upon request.Last modified:June 27, 1997.22.6 Nova Lisa Marhördt 14 D-74420 Oberrot GermanyPhone:+49 7977 910040Fax:+49 7977 910041EMail:kkappel@sha2000.deURL: KappelType of support:Remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.Special expertise:Installation and administration (especially in classrooms), http (apache, squid), sendmail and fetchmail, news (INN), Internet training, PostgreSQL, CGI, perl, shell (bash), paralell port interface.Sample prices:Upon request.Last modified:May 17, 1998.22.7 Jochen Wiedmann Am Eisteich 9 D-72555 Metzingen GermanyPhone:+49 7123 14881Fax:+49 7127 974110EMail:Jochen.Wiedmann@Neckar-Alb.DEContact:Jochen WiedmannType of support:Phone, EMail, remote network administration and inhouse.Special expertise:Firewall installation, programming (C, C++, Perl), system administration, network, Internet, Intranet.Sample prices:DM 120/hour.Last modified:August 4, 1997. n
