Stitch Circle Stitch for Securing and Additions

Circle Stitches
Circle Stitch on a new bead or beads:
A Circle Stitch example. Connecting
the X beads together:
<-Start here
<- Repeat
<-Start here
Circle Stitch to weave/secure
I use at least 3 circle stitches to secure each thread.
There are many other paths to follow when creating
circle stitches. This is just one example.
Circle Stitch to join 2 pieces of bead work together:
Side/edge Beads:
Top/edge Beads:
Front Section
Back Section
1.) Start at the first green bead.
Insert needle down the 1st pink.
Insert needle up the same green.
<-Start here
Back Section
Start here ->
Continue on.
Front Section
2.) Reposition: move to the
next bead.
3.) Start at the bottom of the next green bead.
Insert needle UP the 2nd pink.
Insert needle down the same green.
4.) Reposition: move to the
next bead.
Repeat steps 1-4.
Copyright 2000 by Rita Sova
Start here:
