[53]    Krause Hans,Wierzcholski *Krzysztof:Theoretical considerations for the ferromagnetic friction.(in German).Theoretische Betrachtungen und Rechenmethoden fur ferromagnetische Reibung.Participation of the Author* is 50%.Schmiertechnik-Tribologie,27,1,1980,pp. 18-20

[54]    Wierzcholski Krzysztof:The estimation of Solutions of Navier Stokes and energy equation for oil flow through the gap of a joumal bearing.Part II.(in English) .Intematio- nal Journal of Friction Lubrication and Wear vol.58,l,1980, pp.15-33

[55]    Wierzcholski Krzysztof:A non-Newtonian ferrofluid flow in the deformable gap of a joumal bearing in a magnetic field, (in English).Revue Roumaine des Sci. Tech. Serie Mecanique Appliquee,3,1980,pp.319 - 339

[56] Janiszewski    Ryszard,Pytko    Stanisław,Wierzcholski    * Krzysztof: Ferromagnetic    lubrica- ting flow.(in

Polish).Ferromagnetyczny przepływ smarujacy.Participation of the Author* is 33%.Exploitation Problems of Machines Polish Academy of Sciences.(Zagadnienia Eksploatacji Maszyn Kwartalnik PAN),l,41,15,1980,pp.37-45

[57]    Wierzcholski Krzysztof:Analysis of the Solutions of equations describing a non-Newtonian ferrofluid flow in the deformable gap of joumal bearing in a magnetic field.fin English).ExpIoitation Problems of Machines Polish Academy of Sci.(Zagadnienia Eksploatacji Maszyn Kwartalnik Polskiej Akademii Nauk),2,42,15,1980,pp.l47-170

[58] Pytko Stanislaw.Wierzcholski* Krzysztof:Ferrohydrodynamic contact between two elastic cylinders.fin English).Participation of the Author* is 50%. International Congress Technical Academy of Esslingen, January 1980, pp. 129-136

[59]    Wierzcholski Krzysztof:Theoretical considerations and calculations for ferromagnetic shells in magnetic field as a nonlinear elasticity problem.(in German). Theoretische Betrachtungen und Rechenmethoden fur ferromagnetische Schalen in magnetischen Feld ais nichtlineares Elastizitatproblem. Revue Roumaine des Sci. Tech. Serie Mecanique Appliquee, No. 4, Tome 25, 1980, pp.499 - 516

[60]    Grabiec Kalikst,Wierzcholski*Krzysztof:Influence of the relative height of cylindrical tanks on the values of internal forces. (In Polish)..Participation of the Author* is 50%.Structural Engineering(Inzynieria i Budownictwo),3,1980,pp.88-91

[61]    Grabiec Kalikst, Wierzcholski* Krzysztof: The distribution of parallel forces in concrete reactor screens. (in Polish). Rozkład sil równoleżnikowych w betonowych osłonach reaktorów. Participation of the Author* is 50%.Structural Review. (Przegląd Budowlany). No.3, 1980, pp.170 - 171

[62] Wierzcholski* Krzysztof, Janiszewski Ryszard: The elements of Tensor calculus in applications. Lecture. (in Polish). Elementy rachunku tensorowego w zastosowaniach. Skrypt. Participation of the Author is 70%. Tech. Univ. Press, Lublin, 1980, pp. 1-168


[63]    Grabiec Kalikst,WierzcholskiKrzysztof:Influence of temperaturę on the interior forces distribution in cylindrical R-C tanks. (in Polish).Analiza wpływu temperatury na rozkład sil wewnętrznych w konstrukcji cylindrycznego zbiomika.Participation of the Author* is 50%. Structural Engineering.(Inżynieria i Budownictwo) PL ISSN 0021 0215, 7-8,1981, pp.243-246

[64]    Pytko Stanisław, Wierzcholski * Krzysztof: Magnetohydrodynamic contact between two elastic rollers. (in English).Participation of the Author* is 70%. International Journal of Friction Lubrication and Wear, vol.65, 1981, pp.285-293

[65]    Krause Hans, Wierzcholski* Krzysztof: Viscosity, capacity and temperaturę distributions.(in German).Viskositat, Tragfahigkeit und Temperaturverteilung- Der EinfluB der veranderlichen Viskositat und der Tragheitskrafte des Schmierstoffs auf die Tragfahigkeit und Temperaturverteilung im Spalt eines zylindrischen Gleitlagers im magnetischen Feld Participation of the Author* is 50%. Schmiertechnik - Tribologie, 28, 3, 1981, pp.91 - 95


[66]Pytko Stanislaw.Ziemba Stefan,Wierzcholski*Krzysztof: Contact Mechanics Problems.(in Polish) Monograph.Problemy wytrzymałości kontaktowej.Participation of the Author* is 25%.Monografia.Warszawa PWN 1982,pp.l-203


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