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Sebastian Szytuia Projekt graficzny: Klemens Napkowski Skład:
Tomasz Krawiec
Wydział Biochemii, Biofizyki i Biotechnologii Uniwersytet Jagielloński Ul. Gronostajowa 7 30-387 Kraków
irtał2014, cd. zes. 11 ►
Jazwa A, Szade K, Stępniewski J, Loboda A, Horre-voets AJ, Dulak J, Jozkowicz A. Heme oxygenase-1 is required for angiogenic function of bonę mar-row-derived progenitor cells: Role in therapeutic revascularization. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. Apr 10 2014;20(11 ):1677-1692.
Kamiński K, Kalaska B, Koczurkiewicz P, Michalik M, Szczubialka K, Mogielnicki A, Buczko W, Nowakowska M. New arginine substituted derivative of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) for heparin rever-sal. Medchemcomm. Apr 2014;5(4):489-495.
Kilarski WW, Muchowicz A, Wachowska M, Mezyk--Kopec R, Golab J, Swartz MA, Nowak-Sliwinska P. Optimization and regeneration kinetics of lym-phatic-specific photodynamic therapy in the mo-use dermis .Angiogenesis. Apr 2014;17(2):347-357.
Kozakowska M, Szade K, Dulak J, Jozkowicz A. Role of heme oxygenase-1 in postnatal differen-tiation of stem cells: A possible cross-talk with mi-croRNAs. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. Apr 10 2014;20(11 ):1827-1850.
Kozieł J, Bryzek D, Sroka A, Maresz K, Glowczyk I, Bielecka E, Kantyka T, Pyrc K, Svoboda P, Pohl J, Potempa J. Citrullination alters immunomodula-tory function of LL-37 essential for prevention of endotoxin-induced sepsis. Journal ofimmunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950). Jun-1 2014;192(11 ):5363-5372.
Lipert B, Węgrzyn P, Sell H, Eckel J, Winiarski M, Budzyński A, Matlok M, Kotlinowski J, Ramage L, Małecki M, Wilk W, Mitus J, Jura J. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-induced protein 1 im-pairs adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Celi Research. Apr 2014;1843(4):780-788.
Maciejewski A, Pasenkiewicz-Gierula M, Crama-riuc O, Vattulainen I, RogT. Refined OPLS all-atom force field for saturated phosphatidylcholine bi-layers at fuli hydration. Journal ofPhysical Chemi-stry B. May 1 2014;118(17):4571 -4581.
Moelants EAV, Loozen G, Mortier A, Martens E, Opdenakker G, Mizgalska D, Szmigielski B, Potempa J, Van Damme J, Teughels W, Proost P. Citrullination and proteolytic Processing of chemo-kines by Porphyromonas gingivalis. Infection and Immunity. Jun 2014;82(6):2511 -2519.
Pietras R, Sarewicz M, Osyczka A. Molecular Or-ganization of cytochrome c2 near the binding domain of cytochrome bc1 studied by electron spin-lattice relaxation enhancement. The journal ofphysical chemistry. B. Jun-19 2014;118(24):6634-6643.
Pustelny K, Stach N, Władyka B, Dubin A, Dubin G. Evaluation of PT substrate specificity of staphy-lococcal SplB protease. Acta Biochimica Polonica. 2014 2014;61(1):149-152.
Skalniak A, Boratyn E,Tyrkalska SD, Skalniak, Hor-wacik I, Durbas M, Lastowska M, Jura J, Rokita H. Expression of the monocyte chemotactic protein--1-induced protein 1 decreases human neurobla-stoma celi survival. Oncology Reports. 2014-May 2014;31 (5):2385-2392.
Suszyńska M, Zuba-Surma EK, Maj M, Mierzejewska K, Ratajczak J, Kucia M, Ratajczak MZ. The proper criteria for identification and sorting of very smali embryonic-like stem cells, and some nomenclature issues. Stem Cells andDevelopment. Aprl 2014;23(7):702-713.
Szade K, Bukowska-Strakova K, Nowak WN, Jozkowicz A, Dulak J. Comment on: The proper criteria for identification and sorting of very smali embryonic-like stem cells, and some nomenclature issues. Stem Cells and Development. Apr 1 2014;23(7):714-716.
Szymańska R, Nowicka B, Kruk J. Hydroxy-pla-stochromanol and plastoquinone-C as singlet oxygen products during photo-oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Celi and Environment. Jun 2014;37(6):1464-1473.
Tertil M, Skrzypek K, Florczyk U, Weglarczyk K, Was H, Collet G, Guichard A, GilT, Kuzdzal J, Jozkowicz A, Kieda C, Pichon C, Dulak J. Regulation and no-vel action of thymidine phosphorylase in non--small celi lung cancer: Crosstalk with Nrf2 and HO-1. Plos One. May 12 2014;9(5).
Zarębski M, Kordon M, Dobrucki JW. Photosensi-tized damage inflicted on plasma membranes of live cells by an extracellular generator of singlet oxygen - A linear dependence of a lethal dose on light intensity. Photochemistry and Photobiology. May 2014;90(3):709-715.
Zimna A, Janeczek A, Rozwadowska N, Fraczek M, Kucharzewska P, Rucinski M, Mietkiewski T, Kurpisz, M. Biological properties of human ske-letal myoblasts genetically modified to simulta-neously overexpress the pro-angiogenic factors Vascular Endothelial Growth factor-A and Fibro-blast Growth Factor-4. Journal ofPhysiology and Pharmacology. Apr 2014;65(2):193-207.
Zuber A, Borowczyk J, Zimolag E, Krok M, Madeja Z, Pamuła E, Drukala J. Poly(L-lactide-co-glycoli-de) thin films can act as autologous celi carriers for skin tissue engineering. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters. Jun 2014;19(2):297-314.