Deccmber 1976


Number 4

Yolume 22

D.    Frąckowiak, K. Fiksiński — Energy Transfer in Photosynthetic Units

(Inst. Physics, Technical University, Poznań).........

R. Dąbrowska — Regulatory Systems of Contraction — relaxation Cycle of Muscle (Dept. Biochem. Nervous System and Muscle, M. Nencki Inst.

Exp. Biol., Pol. Acad. Sci, Warszawa)..........

M. Pilarska — Biosynthesis of Ether Bonds Containing Analogues of Phos-phatidylocholines and Phosphatidylethanolamines (Dept. Biochem. Ner-vous System and Muscle, M. Nencki Inst. Exp. Biol., Pol. Acad. Sci, Warszawa) ...................

K. Konopka — Intracellular Transport of Iron (Dept. Biochem., Inst.

Physiol. Biol., Medical Academy, Łódź)..........

M. Drób a, K. Strzałka — Application of Immunological Methods for In-vestigation of Tylakoid Structure (Dept. Plant Biochem., Inst. Mol. Biol., Jagiellonian University, Kraków)............

E.    D a h 1 i g — Multiple Molecular Forms of Some Enzymes of Carbohydrates

Metabolism in Livers Tumours, Regenerating Liver and Fetal Tissues, (Dept. Biochem., Inst. Biopharmacy, School. Med., Warszawa) .

Meeting report...................

Book reviews...................










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