Energy Control Technologies for Ali Types of Engines and Turbines


Fuel Control


Precision Metcring Systems

Woodward *pcci alt/e* In melering *y*tem* for Ibe control of the air/fucl ratio and NO, emUalona for all tirrr of Ga* turbinę* Produrt* rangę from gateou* and l(quid fuel melering and «hu!off valve«. moduł aling air conlrol valve». water and tlram

ln|eetion va!ve*. oll melering and control valve*. and tpeclalty valve*. lo eomplelc integrated fort «yttem*.

Workmg dlrecłly urilh OEM**. wf'vc created Ga* and Lłqułd DLI fuel and alr melering *y*tem% to

[Smart Valvca


Field Bus Network

Distributcd l/O and Dcviccs

mcci today** demandlng rmitnon ret|uiremcnl*. Keacllng to concern* over inerrated hydraullc rcqulremrnu for DLE machinę*, Woodward ba* (rratrd a complcte llne of electrlcally actuatcd valve* for both Bite and Dl F turbinę*.

Woodwar J la already on tbe way wllh tbe aolutioo* for Ib* neit Kcnrratlon of turbinę*. We currrntly havr ( atalylir Combułtlon furt a>*lem* opcrating In Ihe field and are norklng on a fali linę of amarl valve* for tooumow‘% networked turbinę.

Integrated DLE Fuclskids

Air Control


Sofłwarc-thc piece that holds it all together

■ Kral Time Opcrating Sy%tcm (RIOS)-Provid<* Ikr łoftwirr architccturc lo mecl Ikc reat-tlmc r*«|oIrei»%cnW of Ihe «uwl compte* turbin* control problem*.

■ NctSia-CAPcan be<or-p»lcd dirctlly for fC Slmulation •% ith NetSim agaln*! coglnc model* tn ACM. M \IKI\v nr Mltflb.

large Cli

,    or Uą4m


*mall Ga* or lłea» Turbin* r*oln»l

Hardwired I/O

Digital Turbinę Controls



U*wn>    of WioJmrd nfcn

nillieootraMłogenginr* a *4 tatlriae*, ha* bee« tran ttated intn i •opfcUticJtcd »»itr of toflwarr too!««p*<tj!l) taitored to plime

mim ipflkition*

■ CAP’-CraphMal Applualiaa

ProKrjTBieri li m IIC 1IM-) xuphl»l program* i* g cmunrmcnt m.th Inoctinn Moci* that jrc tpccljli/tO for turbinę and rnlin# cootnil appIkaCion%

■ $er%lc* TwU-A rangę of option* from on-<oaIh>! ditpljy* fot I«xjI <*>ntiol jnd *cc*Cce, debug, ind conłłgurjtlon fuartioo*. la PC b>*ed nindów* *oftwjrr program* for ad* ai*«d tr»uh)e*fcootmg and •nainlerum* t*o«h Io« alit and remoteły.

IMth lVood**Jf«J «lł*tM4fC lOfflU, Mbit *OU program U kImI you documrnl. «• w hal you aimulatc. i» wNil >uo tan. Tlił* IrU Control leglncct%coe<cntijtc on controlling tbe lyMrn i«thrr tSan miting codę.


Steam Turbinę Actuation

'Km r«Ww Cenrrwl




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