tion of important documents and thc systematic comparison of wagcs, prices and currency of various periods derived from finds, and accompanied by graphic examples of minting methods. Following the exhibition, several other museums have arranged their collections to illustrate economic principles.

The pcriodicals issued by the central museums and some of the regional museums offercd considcrable space for the publication of the rcsults of the scicntific work on coin collections. Acta Musei Nationalis, the Rt-niew of the National Museum, the Rmen> of the Moravian Museum, the Bulletin of thc Silesian Museum and the Regional Stndies have recently published important articles on numismatics, most of them by scicntific rcsearch workers employed at the central museums.

As a science, numismatics in Czechoslovakia is based essentially on the history of moncy. The Numismatics Commission of the Institute of History of the Czccho-slovak Acadcmy of Sciences directs research in this field. Its Chairman is thc head curator of the National MuseunTs Numismatics Department. The lattcr also scrves as a workshop for the Academy, which sińce 1953 has been issuing an annual Numismatics Annals containing scientific studies. The collaboration between the leading scientific body and the countryłs largest museum is reflected in the joint publication of a fundamental work on numismatics, Finds madę in Bohemia, Morana and Silesia, a catalogue of all the numismatic finds madę in the Czech territories of the Republic between 1780 and 1955, the first three volumes of which were published between 1955 and 1957, and the fourth volume is now in the press. Co-opera-tion between the scientific workers in the Slovak Museum in Bratislava and the Slovak Academy of Sciences is organized on the same lines, and the latter is now preparing a catalogue of finds madę in Slovakia.

In addition to the Numismatics Annals, a bi-monthly review is published under the direction of Dr. Karci Castclin, Numismatic Notes. It is designed to carry short scientific and educational articles and is published in Praguc by the Czechoslovak Numismatic Society, which has about 1,200 members and is in elose contact with the central and regional museums.

Lecturers on numismatics at Czechosłovak universities are nearly always reeruited from museum staffs specializing in the subject. At all the univcrsities, the faculties of history include compulsory lectures on generał numismatics and Czech numismatics (or Slovak numismatics, as the case may be) in their courses, as well as special optional reading on Celtic, ancient and Oriental numismatics and on selectcd aspects of mediaeval and modern numismatics.

The interest which the new generations, and even the present rising generation of students, are taking ^in numismatics^is worthy of notę. The number of theses recently submitted in such a special field as numismatics and the number of publica-tions on the subject are quite remarkable.

(Translatedfrom the C^cch.)

}8. Numismaticke Oddaleni NarodnIho Musza v Praze. L’cxposition Tron raili es de w o finale s, sources de comaissance bisioriątu. Dćcouvertc dc Starć Mćsto prćs de Snćżnik, 1950. Dans la vitrine, monnaics cn circulation a l’ćpoque de Maric-Thćrćsc, xviii« sićclc. La matićre des monnaics ct les divers typcs de billets dc banquc sont mis cn relief sur fond noir. L’etiquetagc cn noir sur fond de coulcur crćmc, 1’ordonnancc dc rimpćratrice Marie-Therese introduisant Ic papier-monnaie dans les pays tchćqucs, ct le tableau des prix pratiques a l’ćpoque sont placćs sous unc plaquc de cristal. Un excmplairc du cćlćbre roman dc l’ćcrivain Alois Jirisek decrivant les calamitćs dues i la banqucroute dc 1’fitat cn 1811 augmentc la portee ćducativc dc Tcxposition. Lc livrc est ouvert sur une illustration, ceuvrc du peintre A. Kaspar, ćvo-quant les scćncs qui suivircnt 1’annoncc dc cette banqueroutc sur la place dc la Vicillc Villc h Praguc.

j8. Exhibition Nnwiswałic Finds as a Sonrce of History. The łind madc at Starć Mćsto, ncar Snćźnik, in 1950. The showcasc contains currency in circulation at the time of thc Emprcss Maria Thcresa, t8th century. The objects exhibitcd, coins and paper moncy, arc set off by thc black background. The cxplana-tory noticcs printed in black on crcam-colourcd paper, the patent issued by Maria Thcrcsa for the introduction of paper moncy in Czech territories, and a contemporary pricc list are weighted down by shects of cut glass. A copy of a famous historical novel by Alois JirAsek, opened at thc page on which hc dcscribes the horrors that occurrcd when thc State went bankrupt in 1811, enhances the educational valuc of thc exhibited materiał. The illustration in thc book, by the painter A. KaSpar, depiets the sccncs following the announccment of the bankruptcy in the Staromćstskć Square in Prague.


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