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.//. HudebnI Oddśleni NarodnIho Musba v Praze. Fichc dc catalogue d’unc partition manuscrite conscrvće au dćpartcmcnt dc la musiquc du Musee national, Praguc.

41. Index card for one of the manuscript scorcs in the archivcs of the Musie Department of the National Museum, Praguc.

study coliection of musical instruments (fig. 42), displayed in a series of nine rooms. Although the Czech museums came into existence rather late and had so many other initiał interests that they failed to pay duc attention to musical instruments, the National Museum’s Musie Department can boast of one of the largest collections of this kind. In round figures, it totals 2,000 instruments, mostly of Czech origin, of which 900 are exhibited in the study coliection. Between 1949 and 1957 the Department did restoration and conservation work on 600 instruments, and it is at present preparing to install a further study coliection consisting exclusively of Czech instruments in eight display rooms in Nelahozcvcs Castle. The cxhibition is due to open in June 1959 in conncxion with the International Musie Fes finał in Prague.

Although some of the museums State in their catalogues that particular instruments datę from the i5th century, with rare exceptions their collections contain nothing earlier than the first half of the i6th century, while very few collections can boast of instruments dating from the late Middle Ages. The materiał in the National Museum’s Musie Department is mainly from the i7th, i8th, and i9th centuries, although it has some very rare i6th-century woodwind instruments and even some unique specimens not found in any other museum of that kind, such as the wind-chest shawm and the double-bass cromorne. The anccstors of modern wind instruments, which astonish the visitor by their unusual size, come from the famous Orchestra of the Lords of the Rosę (Capella Dominorum de Rosis) which at one time rivalled that of Rudolf II. Other i6th-century instruments are lutes madę by

42. Hudebni OddelenI NArodnIho Musba v Praze. Collcction d’ćtudc. Instruments des ćcolcs dc lutherie franęaisc, allemandc et ita-lienne. Departcmcnt de la musiąuc du Musće national, Praguc.

42. A study collcction. Violins madę by the Italian, French and German schools, and clavi-chord instruments. Musie Department of the National Museum, Prague.

4y. HUDEBNi ODDALENI NARODNIHO MUSEA v Praze. Manuscrit d’une oeuvre d’AntonIn Dvorak, Dansts slaues, conservć dans une enve-loppe en matićrc plastiąue, departement de la musiąue du Musie national, Prague.

4j. Manuscript score of the S/aronic Daur es, by Antonin Dvorak, kept in a transparent plastic cover. Musie Department of the National Museum, Prague.



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