P3 Sprawozdanie Finansowe -1 +%mu*lAi* tfa+Oy, U»M> tW0» 1*6* ’ iV • 'i«n<ti* F ': - □
Plik Edycja Arkusz Komórka Ustawienia Widok Noty Sprawozdanie finansowe Pomoc Informacje o 800
Statement of cash flows (PLN) (indirect method)
Item |
Notę |
2017 |
2016 |
A. Ca$h flows from operating activities |
9 000.00 |
3 500.C | |
1. Nel profit (Iow) |
0.00 |
O.C | |
II. Total adjustments |
42 100.00 |
45 400.C | |
1 Deprecration |
87 |
15 000,00 |
11 500.C |
2 Foreign exchange gams (losses) |
1 500.00 |
6 750.C | |
3 Interest and shares in profils (dwdends) |
60 |
0.00 |
O.C |
4 Profit poss) on investing aclwties |
6 000.00 |
7 000.C | |
5 Changes m prowsions |
60 |
1 800.00 |
2 700.C |
6 Changes in inventofy |
60 |
2 200.00 |
2 300.C |
7 Changes in receivaNes |
60 |
3 400.00 |
3 900.C |
8 Changes in short term habilities. excludmg credits and loans |
60 |
5 500.00 |
4 750.C |
9 Changes m prepayments and accruals |
60 |
6 700.00 |
6 500.C |
10 Other adjustments |
60 |
0.00 |
O.C |
III. Net cash flows from operating actwities ((•II) |
42 100.00 |
45 400.C | |
B. Cash flows from investment activities |
11 000.00 |
1 OOO.C | |
1. Income |
7 500.00 |
6 500.C | |
1 Sale of intangible and tangible fixed assets |
7 500.00 |
6 500.C | |
2 Sale of mvestments in reał estate and intangible fixed assets |
0,00 |
O.C | |
3 From financial assets. of which |
0.00 |
O.C | |
a) in related parties |
0.00 |
O.C |
d] Standardowe sprewozdarie fmrwowe I
« < > Wykaz not_
Sprawozdanie f namowę (jednostki Au a 3 Druki sprawozdania Inansowe^a Aktywa Pasywa
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Wykaz not
Rota 1 Zrriany w dhjgotermno Nota 2. Zmany w dtupotermno Nota 3. Zmory w dtugołcrmno Nota 4 Zmory w dhjpotermno N ota 5. Zrriary w dtugołerróo Nota S Zmory w dtugotermno Nota 7. Zmory w dłupotermno Nota 8 Zmary w długotermm Nota 9 Zmony w kiótkotermnc Nota 10 Zmiany w krótkoterrr* Nota 11 Zrmany w krótkotemw Nota 12 Zmiany w kiótkotermi Nota 13 Zmmy w k/ótkoterrwr Nota 14 Zmiany w kfótkotcmw Nota 15 Zmiany w krótkotermr Nota 1S Zmiany w mych r*ve Nota 17 Siodki ptenczne i rnr Nota 18 Środki piercęzne i mc Nota 19. Stnktua własności k Nota 20 Zmiany w kaerfote zac v < > _