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W®(ld News and V i c w %    ‘    •

Editorial Notes


>i:    r:ui:tl discrimi *;'iio:> .:*n .i--

i*v. i r i.ilm ii thi' Łtruiuy. ;U‘d a \KmI » ' >i;sp.^ii»:l UUls*. InLL upon tllO^C 1 i 1’ś7blóoF7EKt ”Ji-'i; f! swe o. aJnirs . . . D<ł We wam to Sllppoil a eShtffry* with a govcrnmcnt of that naturę? I most certainly won Id not . . .

Far too much solicitudc has bccn shown to that typc of govcrnmcnt. just as was thc case witli tbe Govemment of Fin-land *    . WUy should wre manifest to

Spain such a tender regard?”    polists.

^PHE Red Army's advance continues without a pause, though the weight is thrown now in ihc north and now in thc centrę or south. The German invaders are being steadily pushed back and a eonsiderable amount of their troops nnd inaterial is being destroyed or captured. Three*quarters of occupied Soviet terriłory has now bccn liberated. But thc Germans are making no generał rctrcal. and thc fighting is stil! stub-born; the *Soviet pcoplc are still bearing. an immenscly heavy bur* den. They have brought Hitler ncar to calastrophc, but, lic tan only be pushed over the edge when

arried to Extreme$

Wc cxpcct thc l ory rcaetionurics to show their tnie cok>urs in nil ąuestions . ... .    • , .    .    . i affcctinc thc Sovict Union. But it is

the fuli Allied weight ts thrown in. 1 somewhat surprising to find^tente.

1 regardfor thc Polish rcactionaries carfied To sudi ań ex(etfl as it was th

No. 10

Towards Unity in China

A T a press confcrence in Cinuigktng on Febr tiary 17, u Chincsc Gov-crnmcm spofccsman coniinncd that the Chince Comrmmisi Party had rcccntly indicatoi a dcsirc to scnd dclcgatcs to Chungking to discuss with thc Chincsc Govcrnmept. The Chinko Govermneni, vaid thc spokciman. welcomcd thc idea ot a visit which went to show, hc said, that a politkal solution of thc problem* Ls bcihg soughc. At thc same liijio his rrpciition of false accusations ul insubor-dinalion against thc ISth Group Army {fon ner Jy thc Eighlh Routc .Army) wcrc not hdpful. Fuirign eorrcspoiidcms in Chungking aie now asking for permission to v)\ii thc Border Regions.

A most irnporUnt American vicw on thc (|ucstion of Chinesc unity was* :o-cenlły printed in thc Far Eóttern $wvey,

:JXc. 22, 1943). a fortnightly, publisbćd by thc American Cotincil óf thc Instltuto of Pacific Rclations. 'Ihc aniele. a com-ment on thc Cairo Confcrcncc, yy Hafóiet Moorc. referred to American ;e-poi. • tliiii confcrcncc, which said:

* th .ifęicticc look cogniiumcc of thc faci thut interna! diffcrcnccs bctwccn rhc troops of Chinng Kai-shek nnd thc Chmese ConmumUt Annie* mu$t be ovcrcortic hcsorc China could be opeiied as-thc primury base for dircct attack against Japan y.dt/1 om! went on;—

M AppareniJy nr.finry strasegisu study-ing thc map* for thc łiual campaign to śnv:tsl>. Japan discovcrcd that whut has becn regardcd as a privatc internal ąuarn?l of thc Chinese has, in fact, hc-r eonie a United Nations mititary problem.

M As is gradually bceoimpg known in thfs country, thc arens conlrollcd by ihc Chincsc Contntonlsl Armio buvc becu Mibjuctcd. sińce IVM0, to an almosl com-piele błockade. No miliuiry supplies, no mediea! suppliey c*xcept fbr one reccnc shipment—and no "outsiders" nie •illowcd to pass through thc błockude. United States fend-Icasc materiał* go to thc Chincsc National Govcrnment. which has not tnade any of thcsc matcrials ayailablc to che uorder Region*. evcn though thcsc troops, lugciher with thcij gucrilfa unit*, havc becn containing a very " part <»f thc totul Japanese forcc China. Moreover, ab chi l hall i million rclntivdy wcll cquipped Chungking troops tuc hdd back from thc front against Japan by their assigumciil to dii:* blockadc. I his błocka de is a rca! obęląck to thc efTectivc prosccution nf ihc war against Japan . .

Then, CortimOntiog on thc fact diat it was possiblc to discuss this matter at Cairo, thc artidc conctudes:—

*' t: <t.e. thc iliscussion) mąy Indjcalc that. with thc .i.v>urimcc of greater motciioł and morał snpport from thc ot het* United Nations, Cłtiang will fccl ubli* to withMand thc pressure of thosc advt>aiting thc immediate niilitary liquid-ation of thc Communists, ani! will reverse past policy i:: order to    upply thc

fighting forces of thc Border Kcgtóns and rclease to thc auti*Japanesc front thc treops now mobllJsed by thc blockądc.*'

Helsinki Gets It

It is said that discussions in Finland on the i)U£stion of immediate pcacc with thc Sovict Union have reached such a śta^e that a lina! dccision mmc be taken ihls weck—pcibaps beforc this tssuo is printed. Tac icn-hour iHnnbius of Hckinki Jast Saturddy nijlu should havc ho!p;if to imikc tlvc Finns imdcistand what is coming ro ihem if they cielny any loiłcer.

Allied Air BSows

While the preparations for thi* in-vasion of łiuiopc arc being completed, British and American air blows on Germany arc not only rcducing Germany\ capacity to producc pianes. but arc making g;eąt ^rtj>s m thc present ranlcs, of thc Luft widie. Ihc lass of ovvłr six| humlrcd ti^liteis in u wcck is not ca siły mado good. U it is possiblc to mośntain the >;reat day and nigh: air olTen.iive, the icsiilt w i Ił hc scen on thc invaxion fronts.

Showing their Coiours

Th«_- debatc which foliował Mr ChurchilPs speech in thc Housc of Coin-mon?r last week was chiefly rcmarkablc .for thc way in which thc Tor> dic-luuds (showed their tnie coiours, The Poftsh reactiomiries werc defended: in spite of Mr. Churduirs statem^ni on thc Yugo-sluv parfisatts, undc Marshal Tito, thc Uhcieditcd MikhaiIovich found some sup-portci^.. and doubts werc opcnly cx-pressed aboiit co-opeialion with Russia. Oru* of ihc lx:s! contribiitions from thc I.abour benchcs camc from Mr. Muck CNewcastIe-uad«-Lyme). Among other va!uablc points, hc saitl: ” i happen to koow. and1 soty of lic press aho know, tl]$\ me golisli army mak:s vc:y cen-77



Emile Burns

Tosi    Ritald xdiibxlal^ Jt

dcclarcd that T!Kurchill was wrong to make any dcclaratión now about Rolish frnntićtA, ąrd wcut .su fai a> J.0 Cij.ltci^C thc proposca transfer jc_Fi>l,and _cf cer-^ vv. . It ■’i’• • tway its "wholc ca^c by addlng, M unkrw ii (the transfer) is taken as part of a comprc-hensive inteinational plan of reconstruc-tion and security/9 What grounds ha> the Daily Ilcraht foi suggesłing that this is not so? No grounds at nil. Its only motivc uppiMi s to bc to try to discrcdil .i point of S<ivict policy, agreed to bv Churchill, which givcs the futurę Połand rcal a cccss to thc Baltrc and litcrully rakes the grontul from under the feel of ihc Prussian Junkers.

Post-war Control

From thc very tirst discu.sdoDS on post-war policy, it has bcen evident that the citicstio.n of whelher Goycrnment Controls should 1k cominutd or not would bc one of thc principal issites. While thc most opon roactionorics raisc the slogan,

“ Abolish thc conrrols/’ and less open rcactionarics say, 44 Abolish thc Controls as tłoon as possiblc/' all progr«»ivc scc* tions hąvo bccn tmieed in declaring that Goycrnment Controls musi bc maintaincd in order to safeguard ihe interesrs uf thc pcoplc. Now thc News Chronicie (Fcb. 28) publishes- the rcsult of a Gnlłup Poll in rcply to thc qucstion: " Would you likc to set* thc CoNtmmcnt hecp its power al tcr thc war to control thc buying and dhtribulion of food?” The rcplicsp were: Y«, 64 per cent ; No, 23 per cent; Doa’t know, 13 |>er cent. Thi$*j* a sCHnvJ indication of whut thc pcoplc feel. nameły, that thnnks to bulk buyins abroad. rcasonąbly fair dis#ibution of what was ava»iable; and pricc fixingf thc Govcrnrncnt control of food has bcen of bencfii to thc great majority of thc natjon. Of coursc thcrc havc bcen black niiirkcts, distribution his not worked out fairly ir\ al) casw, and thcrc havc bccn other dcfccts; but thc mora! drmwi by most pc<»plc is to mnkc thc Controls moro efTiciiint, and not fo abolish i hem. Ihis is a vcry import ant political conclusion. and if thc public can bc madc to appre-ciatc that this hoids good in other casc^s besiócs food, theo wc shall ba\c an ovenvhe!mlng ruajority ovcr thc mono-


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