

A^Tlmo5.N«w,Tw1r> Fs’l», Idaho Fftday. Jur>o13.lQ60

// Dworshak breaks

Symms filed minońty report Dam could wipe out cities

# Contlnucd from pagc Al

In the 1974 debato on crealicn ci Uw CFTC. Symms also Jolned ln a mlnortty report whlch sald establUfcln* the conur.łaalon "representi a toto] Jack of falth ln our mnrfcet-crleoted free enterprtae system."    A

Thsl mlnorlly report also sald the CFTC was crated wtthout ewococe (hit "the new and far-ranglng authoriUes propoaod by the bUl are dther necessaiy or deslrahle." and that creaUoo of the CFTC mJgh! Mdestroy futura trsding. and “ report the to set when lndivl or olherwise ratrnin tradtatf." But thoae phrmses were len undeflncd ln the leglsJsllon, the report sald.

“Adeouotc protectlon" against Improper oommodl-tka actions already ealsted ln tho Commodity Eschnnge Authortty wllhln the Department of -Ajcrtculiure. the report coodudcd-

Tho question of whelher that dld exlst sparked much of the 1974'debato over crcatlon of ibe CFTC.

Prtor to the ncw agcncy'i formstlon. the CEA hajyfled most commodlty transactloos.

But ln 1972 a masstre grab trode to the Sotfet Union brought the CEA under 8haip ctfUcJsm. The "grat graln rob bery/ * aa como coJIod the trAnsaclłon Jhen. was OYldence.thst improper roanipulatlon of the

CEA's presence. many eoegressmen argued.

of cratlag the CFTC argued the CEA the staff, manpower and apgtfa to regulale the commodilies manćet.

The 1974 Houm Agrtculture Commlttee'Małortty Report, rejected by Symms. sald "CEA has faUed to

..Jlk IW« “----*• Tl    lt>*( ••uiftllo fM<4lnił In

wtulę trading ln l doufcied

commodltles market, was taklng place despltc the

move with the times" U added that regulated commodity futura has oearly slace the CommlUee last considered omcndmenU to the Commoćłty Exckange Act' (1989). tradłag ln non-regulsted coctrocts has approachcd four limes lta 1909 figurę.”

—The Hmae Sdect Small Business CommlUee, ln a separata report, also argued the CFTC was needcd "Desplta the exlstence of any clrcumsUnces whftcb prevX>uUy Justlflcd a lałssez falrc attltude toward commodltles futura, lodays market rrjiDćs that regulotion be by a agency," the commUtee sald.

The Mil crtatlng the CFTC paascd the Hotac on ’AprflTI~on~kT81-<3' vuter Syinjni"voUd"sgstn3t crcatlon of the commlsslon. afler ftrst trytng to aeod the bUi back to commUtee to bc replaccd by a wcaker regulatory agcocy. UrJeas his amendipent was odopted, Symms then said. the Congress would be "taklng anolher step down the rood toward alluwtng the goYcmment and the burcaucraU to make the market dcdslons whlch should be madę In the lacebylodividuals."

•The Symms amendmenl was rcjccted oo wi un-vokevotc.

dearty de-full-Umc regulatory

LEWlSTONTT<M>o~fUHl> - Tg U.S. Arroy Cocpa cf Englneers has rdeaaed lis Oood prrdicUans for North ldaho’s Dworshak Dam If a single one of the 52 concreto błocka that ccmpoae the structurc should fali, the Łewtston Momlr.g Trlbune






to re^icsU for the b/orma* U on from local sod stale croergency offldals, the • Corps Wedneeday estimotod that, wllhln iwo to four bouri afler the hypotbctJcal fallure. Łewtston and Oarkston. Wosh..— with a comMaed populatlon of 50.000 would be bundatea w]lh 38 feet of water, the Ttlbune says. The North Idaho newspaner says the Hoodbg would IncJudc the dawntown areas of both dttes and the glont Potlatch _Corp. pulp-and llssur mili rast.oL Łewtston

A team of consulting englneers hlrcd by the Coroo and the Idaho Waler Resources Department eariler thłs woek coochłdcd ihcrc is "no rtasocablc chance" the leakbg con-crete dam bo the North Fbrtrof the Clcarwater Rivtr will foli.

NcYtrtheless, the Trlbune says. the Oood anlaysls la slgrJflcant as the-Corps* Orst tanglMe step toward ccgnpllance with sevcral fcocr


cvent of a fsUure at the MMI dam.

The Trlbune earllcr thls weck re-ported the Corps had not dc% eloped Oood maps or emcrgcncy plans tor Dworshak or four other major dama located ln Washbrtor\ State, allhough the agency*s reguTotlons safeguanls.

* Dopite repcalcd    . reem

menduocs that data    ohortJy

Gflcr Lhe collapee of Q    Mm ln

tostem Idaho ln I denttal order 'In Corps has not emerceacy piana for

Tłttl^Cooa^Tca Tlaihor “or TiOwer Monumental dama on the lowtr Snake RJver ln Washington The four Washington ąpg Dworthak are admlrdstered by the Corps’ Walla Walla, Wash.. Office.

Corps otfkials sald they had oot prepaind the mips or plans becauie they were not glven Miading for the pro}octs.    ,

Dworshak Dam Wcdneaday eon-tim^ to leak at a ratę ot about 7,tco gaBons a rnlaule, mlmost three limes fts aormal rak of seepage. Corpa offlclals and the consultanli sald they were preparlng to lay a rtnyl sheet over the creS that Is caustog the tAsking, but gave thelr U Ust attempt to stop the seepage a SOM chance of siiccess

vftwsfourant A loungw

#*Maęłc Vatfeys Newest"

•ONE TIME ONLY In Coodlng Rock N* Roli Musie by

"1 RfEMOR” out oi _


- Bv United Prtn To^ay

U Frlday, June 13,




Pal-** 2* irtmt***

Aljan DeVrl€S. Isftfowhmwlnr tl\i* <.>tx» ll^ml.^Mloini-ii «i> nny ilu* n v < n-^in mm m*I #m i lic i »i« ' began • ^ Park lliiirsdny cvrninc| in rommrmor*tHii. ot ilu-    ^ .mmi • i«4n VliHw;Yji,    77 lń“l

day of 1980 with 201 to follow. •' i* Themoonlsnew. Therelsoomonibgstar. .

The CYcnlng stara are Mercury. Vcnus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Thcee bom on thls datę are under thcsIgnofCcmlnl.

Famed U^. Army Cen. Wlnflcld Scott was bom June 13,1786.

On thls datę ln history: ln 1877, the Russo-TurWsh War


Mon.-Sot. 11 :AAl. to J0 PAS. Sundoy BuN#t 12:00 fo 4:00 »34^*0l    530 Molo    Oo»Mmą JŹtZŹZZ,


T'Shirt *

Trade-ln Event!-.-

Piane crash kllls l2

YALLEYFNe&TTUPir^A twtn<nglne'~ Air' Wlaconsb alrplane with 15 pcople oboard crashed tp a form field Thuraday durlng a beavy thunderstorm, • klllbg 12 pooptc and scrloialy lnjurlng thra others. The Uirooprep piane, Flight 965, was en route from i to Lincoln, Neb. .*

3 dle In Oroflno śhoothig

'' ÓRÓFiŃO. Idiho 1UP1 f--A'33-yearoM Oroflno man was belng hdd b the Oearwatcr County Jsll Thursday nlght on Ihrec counts of Ist-degree manier and one count of assault with intent to comralt murder.

1835.- Jim Brsddock* decbloned Max Baer to the worfd*a heavywelght championshlp b boxbg.

Appleton, Wis., sald.thc MetrollDcr SW-A twb-ccgine crafl camćd 13 passengem and two pllols.

Man pteads to be senteńced

LOUlSyiLLE, Ky. <UPI> - A young man wbo confessed to a Janltor that he Md stranglcd a

^IwTiJlIwtUcT    ^ y


woman yeors to

TJflnfcJ S.inger-15

on I3S0.C00 bood b connectlon-with the shootlng deaths of three Oroflno raldects and the woundlag of a fourth Wodncsday nlght.

Deputles sald Debcrah Haynes, 27. Blllle Sue Norton, 26, and Tlm Schultz, 20. oll of Oroflno. were found fthot to dcalh ot the Hkddcn Va)lcy Trailer Court shortJy after 9:30 p.m. Wedncsday. They refused to

usmam; but stul \kmśm i imu d tfwtr-

Stephen Lee ““    ^    ‘



to authontks boesuss of cbnstant _A person, Dcnnls Crtffonr_o

oWr *    ‘ ^

unknown; also treated for o

said he had pfamed to corJcss Immedlately to    Josehh s HospUaTTwherc be was be Ing

noLfladhlaesuMsIoc ml DsSalri 2 tS2£łJ£2S3&-1----

High School b LouUyIHc Cc* later dropped out ot    Depubes sald they had not determbed a modre for

ochool aod CYentuaUy.cnllaicdlnihe Anny and went---the tdUtn®i. They sald they had TXxmTred a rerelrer

to Germany.    ®i evldence. but refused to dlsclwc addltlonal drtalls.

ThsTlmss-Nsws Twln Folii. Idaho

M«mU> fil    krMV o4

CU<vWV 1 r»u lni«rMiUA«l.

tabl 0>md óo\yf 0!’132 1tu#d SirMf WMI, Twln Tollt. Ido ho B 3301. by

Moflk Voll«y h«wipop«rt. mc. SubKfJpilen R«i«i: pwo«k. dołiy OAłr et>*. SWay 35*. M«U »wb»crlpllo*» połd In ad.o^c# ftold ooff wharm c»rrl#f d^fUtry U «©i mo^iloinod): Oo ly ond Svn-dcy. 1 nwfh S4 93, 3 mo#vih* S14.93. 6 momhi $39.70. 13

S3.4S. 3 monlht $ 10.33. 6 moniht 320.7C. 13 moniK $41.40;

— Ofthr. .t..mo«ih.$325. .3 .mooiht.

t340rt9^omłn-—$77.00.* 3^ońd Ctoi*>Piiflg#-pold • ot Twln Fotit. IdóKo Tl-rwt^.w% ""WS"S31 -OBOL. SpiCtof-Stwdoi ond S##vkimon rolo $4.00 po< —moniłu-OtikioUOfy^ond.G>oAry. Nowi po po/ pv/3woM to So<t*on OC IOS Idaho Codo. TWtdoy H ICSliSyTKdgSSmnil fho wooV on whlch Wqo1 noricot will bo pobHihod


ihe rogular prlce ot ony T-shlfl andlransfor iniho PanrShoo -------

Brlng In any T-etilrl Oaundered. pleaso) and vvo'll fliv«

■ ■■■ you S2.00 Off mc tK*C9.0f eny.T-łhirf andJmns!aLj!L«9<* L Chooso from tranafors or lef»erinq-of-vour_cholco. T<hlrt rogulorlyprtcodfromS7 Io$9.

_ Tho Pont Shop

_____124 MatnAncuoNonn. Tmm Ftils 703- lito

Opw»Oa.ry IO.OOA.M. to5:30P.M.. fitjtiyi tH7:00

FslU, Jcroinc-Gooding.


• Partly cloudy today .with seat ■imaiOTTOW

Strcng gusty. wlnds ncar thun-.____

Dccrcaslng ‘clouds showtrs - on Saturday.

Ov«m!gh\ )ow» In Uie 40a ond hłgłp today and Saturday 65 to 75. The haylng oUUook for śunday through Tuesday should be moatly fair and

‘ norma), ltkdy. Sunday and COOllU3MJlhOuM

hlghcsi omounts of predplUUoo has heen ln the northemsectlons of the State

Iow prorure system stlll ovtr the Oregon coasdtac Is produclng the rootsture field over much of the stale. Shouers and a fcw thunder-showers havc becn reportcd throughoutlhcday with tho shower -_actlv1ty bebg hcavy at limes. The




» » m    n > • - Twln Folia

M U ..m—Idaho.-v--,l7

^    - o‘ t 7 irur— « !l Z

Weather begins to return to normalfor season



^HtU^jgnnęr as tempe

return to nc. Brtik wlnds

steadlly ur.provc

lmprore.-    -

Camus Pralrle, Hal^y, ^WoodRJrtryaliey:


Partly cloudy today with seat-tered showers and thundenhow-crs. Dccreaabg clouds and $hew-cra by Saturday. OvemJght lows 35 to 45 and high* today. aod Saturday b the to.


As coroJderable cioudiness end shower actlwlly plague much of northem and couthwcstcm Idaho, portlons of “southeostenr Idaho —reportod-gonarally fair skin di


AltKough the aouthćislem scc-

J Lm rJ l/tj>>VYJoratvw1 nyirw

. shlne durlng tho div. .Winda b that ara were reportu blowing much ot the day. Sustabed winda of 20 mUes per hour or roore were common tn tho upper Snake R»ver plab. Gusta of up to 35 miles hour were ora.

Citr___ •_v_

U. uy, ^»VW«    W « PwMOrtT

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