
: COLUMBUS, Ohio (UP1) — v*Type A’*" aro cocnpeilUve. aggresahre, tmpatirct aod ócmandlng. They teod to oet ahead In business. Tbey alao teod to twe hejft a lincka, according :to aa Obło State Univmlty re-atarcher. _

’ Piycbołoglłt Jack Sparadno, a rpost-doctoral feUow at tbe seboofs Oenler for Kunum Roource Re-aearch, sald that bealdcs bcing com-petlllvdy aggrmivc, dcnmndlng and Tcstlen, a TypeA person alao Is ofteo .a beavy deareUe smoker wlth a high 'cholesterol levrJ.

: In a recenUy puhllshed rev1ew of .“work dooe on tbo rubject, Sparadao aald (hal altbough .Type A behav1or ;docs not guaranteo a person wlU have


doea la-

f rlday. Juno 13“1960    Tlmo»-Nows“ Twln Fstlt, Idaho CO

.a beart attadc, creaae his or ber all of (be characteriaUcs are preaer.t,


"Tbeae ladlvldual3 aeemlngjy are nevtr tmly    unleas baUilng

multinle dejuftlnes, obelAcie* and

harassment," be taki "Ibere never

U nrobably cnanoea. And when

palnful rcmlader*.of ibeir lacessact, ccmpulsl vę strtvlng."

Sparadao sald Type A‘» ofttt cjld be tdeatlftod by tbe wsy they Ulk. Tbey usualiy ipeik nipłdly, ofUn nahlng through sentcnccs, aod may sukkciy bece mc louder for phasls.

- He sald they are llkdy totry tokeep thclr cccYcrsaboo partner movtng ąulcUy, Ino, by noddlng Ibe head rapkfly or cocsiaaUy eaylng, "Mm-hhm" or " Yea, yte.M

TVpc A'a alao are morę ilkdy lo make "tenee, energetlc moveacDts,such as ftsl-cłeochtng. ndgeting. rfmmmirg ibe ICDUckies or p!a>ing wtth a pencU," says Sparacino. Tbey oflen have • slnxłg. firm haodshake.

Wben Type A'a do make It to otd age, bowtrver, tbey havc an advan-

sakl cranky.

lagę over otber type*, Sparadno •Tl may be tbe fdsty, cr hanHo-gei-atong-wlth old person wbo U better abks to cope/ be —-•

MHavtcg madę U to the Ona) net, be may be less llkeJy to erlL”

Fiscal management class right ticketforschools

fV i

r~^HnM>ELPHWr(UPI)'=Tt'ufiled and póople oHowrr lncomc who wtn

•    to be otarły tmpocslble for the poor,

. mioorlty aod ddedy resldents of West

Phlłnódphla to borrow money, but that was before Ihc communJty . boufihtlta owo bank.

Wben ooe of the ntlghborbood’* fcw Icnding Lcstiluticns moved out, a communlly tmprovemect group

_rooYcd Lo, bought.the buildlng and

opened the West Phllodclphla Com-

•    rnunlty FederaJ Credit Union.

The coocept .emerged wt>en the

^VOSt"PMade)phia Kund for-Human-Criaadar

Devdopment lauoched o rtnovote deierłoratlng or houses.

'Tberc were a number of minorUles

its own bank

not nble to gcł loans for home Im-provement or repalre." sald Noro Lewis, credu ualoo presldeot. • Reddests can oow borrdw rooncy from the credit imion at a 13 pcrceot tnterest ratę, comparcd with com-merdał ratea of up to 24 pcrccnt, mcrely by showlng they can even-tually repay the loan. The 8-week-old InsUŁution has over 70q membera — wbo must purchasc ooc 15 ahare — and

21-year 185,000 mortaage wlth no mooey down. Mn. Lewu sald.

"We anUcłpate a large volume of loans for debt consolldation and re-moddlog of homes." sald credit urJon manager Leon Taylor. Tbe urJon ca ten to customen "wbo would have great difflcuUy getUng loans any-wbere," Taylor sald Membera can keep Interes!-eamtngsavtngs accounts at the credit urJon aod drafls are avaHob!e for paytng


C> Ptdd Enterprises, loc.

A dass of fourth-gradera at the Grlmcs Center for CrtatWe Leammg are nlne yeara old ... golng on bankruplcy.

; .Theyrre all enreiled In a class of •money management and fiscal re* sponstbillty. They perform a!l klnds of Jobs llke deamng caliknets, dustlng erosers and mspectlng ihc loeker room. For thoe chorcs„thcy,re pald a aalary wlth bluc mlmeographcd

At J*e end of the weelTiKey arc pald __    . Howcvcr, 20 pcrccnl of thclr rooncy ls


So for the lockcr room Inspcctor has been firtd and had to team to !lvc s below his means. a couplc o( studcnU werc "CYtcted" and a fcw of them had to form a loan company and llvc In the "Iow rent" arta of 0>c n»m In a duster of desks by tho door.

Is thts a terrlflc Idea? lt may be Just the blggcst eycopcncr to hit cduca-Ilon stnee page 186 of the Junc, 1053, National Gcographics magazmc ln

thellbrary: -........—

. 1 shouid havc had goch a coursc wtien I was In grade school i goi married thinklng all money was

of 1500,000.

-for-Human--Crusader Saytogs and Loan dccidrd_for_ aod.rtcelYcd a iederai charti

campalgnto to dooe Us West Philaddphla branch    that Lnsures depotlU of up to f100.000

r abandooed because lt was taslng money. But The object. he sald, "U so a dc-

terłorallng neighborbood could be ab-solutely tumed aroundM

before leavlng, Cmsadcr boosted the credit imion by ofiering WPFHD a



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saiary. Thcn lhcrc*s dcdiKrtlons for rent. water, dcctnclly and a spcclol fee for using the pcnctl sharpener. • Students arc fired for bcing absent from or lale to thclr jobs. If they arc "cvlcted" for non-poymcnt of rent, thclr dcsk6 are stacked at the back of the room and thclr bclongtngs płled on frp.    --------

mur.wK-rapiKNj and whenovcr a iclter. Cimc with a scc-Utro-jgh addressj



gavc lt to my hushand and sald. floors — not Windows!"

• I pa&scd on through the mlrade of gcnctlcs one of the greatest molhc-matlcal mtnds of the I4th ccntury to my childrcn. The fłrat Job my son goi, hc camc tn and said, "I can'l i«licve

"Ifs a deduction for Sociol Securt* ty.M

"I don't want to Jotn." hc sald.

"Ifs not a tennts dub; ifs a re-tlrcmcnt benefU."

"1 already pald for ooc In anolhcr box. What docs fcdcral withholdtng tax gofor?"

"On your saiary, a paper dtp for jiotlonaldcfciue.". r    -

"Look at thesc dcductlons! State tax! ChariŁabie contrlbuUonsI Modleni! Ducs! What a hpoff! fvc worked _40Mlldlęng, bnck^rcokinR hOUTSjllŁ. aJlof this. I can*l go on living Uko thls."    •.

I dldn't have the beart to tdl hlm that irhc had to pay for his food. room. Ilghls.-air condllloning.-beat, loundry. mcdlcal, cable TV. dolhes and phonc, we*d havc to movc hts

ttt I thlnk I owe them money. jor _dcsk_to_the.garage and sUck hit

worklng. WharsRCA?

belongini^ on top of lt.

adie /haek

Don't Forget Dad on His Oay June 15th




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Saye Dad yaluabło limo with auio-<3JalinQ

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