NEW YORK (UPI) - "Chlldren of a Lesscr God'" may have reached Its plnnaclc on Broadway, batlts author gays'a*"wondcrfur [ Cniff) N.M.,-is responsfblc- for thc play’s suc-cess.    .    ,

Playwright Mark/Medoff sald Monday thc Tony award for best play of 1979-80, wąsjHhe culmlna: tion of a wonderful relotlonsttlp

Medoff sald the cast and crew contribuled to thc script os hc rewrote dally. He contlnued to rewii te the play for lis scllout run in Los Angeles before lt opened March 30,1980 on Broadway.

"Chlldren of a Lesscr God" ts a play aboul a bcaring man who falls in Jove uith a deaf woman. The —ploy-uas DasedTln part, on Miss FYelich’s llfe. She has bcen deaf sińce blrth.    * *

.. Miss Frellch and her co-star,' John Rubcnsteln, son of conduclor

—    Artur Rubcnsteln, also won Tonys ... for thclr perto rmanees tn theptay.-

-    -It calicd for thc actrcss to speak In'

slgn Ianguagc whlle Rubcnsteln lnlerpreted for the audlcncc.

"The byproducts of-the p!ay’s succcss 'arc fedlngs of grcaler estecm among thc deaf and

■ IcUers In thc mldcDc arc wrltten In 7—a rebearsal process."......

greater understanding between the wortds of the bcartng and the deaf,” Medoff sald. "But, I dldn't aet out to save the deaf. 1 only set pIay for a Wend of

b    mlnewhohappenedtobedcaf."

tplay God"

Las Cruces

Molnaropens tonight

Dallas sheriff wantsin show

whlch begnn at New Mcxlco Stale Univcrslty wlth frlends, students and faculty who had the same fcellng aboul the projcct that thc pcople herc. and, evidcntly, thc American theatre-golng publlc has."

' Medo/f,_the chalrman ot thc NMSU Department of Drama, sald the award underscorcs his bellef that unWersłUes can play a central role In crcatlng-new drama In America.

"I have alwnys felt unlvcrsltles :shouldlbb_dolng-morc:ncw: play dćvclopmcnl, not only offering forums to known writers but to students to help them deveIop," Medoff sald. "A play ncver goes from A to Z unlcss most of the

-s Hc sald wbcn be look over the

drama dcpartrocnt at NMSU In ■=n877^one of-his'-łi

ficl Pbyllls Frellch and Bob Steinberg and do a play. That was "Chlldren of a and U premJercd In Aprll 25,1979.

Conference to include top names

KETCHUM — Thls yearis In-stllute of the American West con-_ference is schedulcd for Tuesday through June 21 ot thc AJpenrose Hotel. . .

Major addresses ore schedulcd-from former Secretary of the Interior Stewart 1 Udali; Peter Ha3srick.1dlrcctor.of. thc-Buffalo--BUl-HlstorlcalJCcntcr "In Cody,3 'Wyó.;' ojjd award-wlnnlng hlstori-- an William H. Goctzmonn.

The conference Is free and open to the publlc. For morę lnforma-Uon, contaćt Richard Hart al (208)

822-9371.    •• .

DALLAS (UPI) - Dallas County *s lamę dock sheriff saya be plans togo In to real estate wben bo leaves Office ln thc fali, but be ,wouldnlt_tum_hłs_back- U-J.R. Ewlngneedshlm.

Sheriff Carl Thomas, a reccnt loscr ln the prtmary elcctlon, has offered hlmself and his depart-ment to Lortmar Productlons to asslst ln on-locatlon ftlmtng of the prime-Urae televlsion soap opera "Dallas.".

Thomas mado thc offer shorlly aflcr city Polico Chief GIcnn King rebuked Lorimaris requcst to use a fcw unlformed offlcers, a squad car and an ofnce_ot_thc_poUcc_

LOGAN, Utah - "The Play's The Thing," by Ferenc Motnar opens at thc Lyric Theatre herc todayat8p.m.

The play will be performed by department.

Thomas not only volunteered his deputles.-but-clolmcd his- de-partroent was entlUed to the roles .becauso -Southfork.-tho mythlcal-home of J.R. Ewlng, is ln the county — not tn the city — and tberefore łs withln Thomas* JurisdJctioo..

And when thc tlme co mes for somcone to be arrested for the sbootlng of J.R./ the ambltlous sheriff suggested, Lortmar mlght talk to hlm about belng the arrest-tngofftcer.

"Why not go for the real oóe," Thomas sald. "Afler all, I’m ąyailable."_______ the Ołd Ljyrlc Rcpertory Company agaln Salurday, and Thurśday through June 21.

For reservntlons, cali the tlckct olflcc at < 801) 750-1657.

OPEN 24 hrs.






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