
Illustration 20:

Illustration 21:

Illustration 22:

Huile de Peter Rindisbacher "Captain W. Andrew Bulger Saying Farewell at Fort Mackay, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, 1815, showing a group of Ijibwa Indians", c. 1823, Ink and Watercolour. "BoMou. Weeiee!" Profiles of Canadian Indian Art, Ted Brasser, Ottawa, A travelling Exhibi-tion of the National Museum of Man, 1970, p. 191................151a

Dessin de Peter Rindisbacher "Interior of Settler's House in Red River", Original in Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, dans The Picture G^.llery of Canadian History, 17 63 to 1830# C.W. Jefferys, vol. 2, Toronto, Ryerson Press Toronto, 1970 (1945), p. 180    . .    151b

"Man and Two Women". (Red River Metis; sketch for his painting, "A Halfcast and His Two Wives" de Peter Rindisbacher (1825-1826), Courtesy Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary,

Illustration 23:

dans "Bo'iou, Neeiee1", loc. cit.,

p. 192................151c

"Ink and Watercolour" du tableau de Peter Rindisbacher, "An Indian Scalp Dance"

Illustration 24:

Illustration 25:

(Southern Manitoba), Courtesy Hudson's Bay Company, Winnipeg, ibid., p. 195 ... 15ld

Dessin d'un artiste anonyme "White Trader Meeting the Indians", 1820 (no 2217), Water-colours, touches of gouache over pencil, Royal Ontario Museum ............ 152a

Photo d'une Soeur Grise enseignant le tissage aux Inuits, intitulAe "Mission Chesterfield Inlet", "le flśchA", SociAtA historiąue de Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, gracieusetA de M.-Paule Robitaille...........15 9a

Illustration 26:    Effigie du docteur John Rae au-dessus de sa

torabe au cimeti^re de la cathśdrale Saint-Magnus, A Kirkwall, capitale des Orcades, dans La baie d' Hudson, la compagnie des aven-turiers,    Montreal,    Les    Źditions    de    l'Homme,

1985, p.    336     161a

Illustration 27:    Dessin de C.W. Jefferys "Samuel Hearn on his

journey to the Coppermine, 1770" dans C.W. Jefferys, The    Picture    Gallery    of    Canadian

History,    1760    to    1830, vol.    2,    Toronto,

McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1870 (reprint 1945),

p. 12.................161b



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151 a Illustration 20 Reproduction de 1 huile de Peter Rindisfcacher "Captsin W. Andrew Eulger
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