9    May. Excursion to the Tatra Mtns. conducted by Professor M. Klimaszewski; in the morning excursion to the High Tatra (Zakopane — Głodówka — Hurkotne — Morskie Oko — Zakopane), in the afternoon to the West Tatra (Kościeliska valley). Geomorphological problems of the Tatra Mtns. and the way in which they were shown on the geomorphological map on the scalę of 1 : 20,000 were presented and discussed (geomorphological history of the Tatra Mtns., relation of the glacial relief to the preglacial relief, relation of the late-glacial relief to the pleni-glacial relief, Holocene relief on the base of an analysis of forms of differing age and origin-forms due to denudation, river, glacier, glacio-fluvial, water-nivation-frost action and the melting of buried ice-masses).

At night the Conference Members travelled by a sleeper from Zakopane to Toruń.

10    May. A session was held at the Department of Lowland Geo-morphology and Hydrography of the Institute of Geography, Polish Academy of Sciences, at Toruń. Addresses of welcome were given by Professor R. Galon, and the geomorphological maps of various regions of North Poland presented. The following series of papers were read:

R. Galon: The Brda Region.

T. Murawski: Die Rolie der ausfiihrlichen Geomorphologischen Kartę bei der Bearbeitung der physiographischen Grundlagen der Stadt- und Landbezirksplannung.

L. Roszkówna: Le probleme d’erosion du sol sur le territoire de la Vo'ievodie de Bydgoszcz d’apres la carte geomorphologiąue.

J. Szczepkowski: An appraisement of usefulness of the ‘Geomorphological Map of the Polish Lowland’ for regional planning and space economy.

In the afternoon an excursion to the Toruń Basin and the gap of the Lower Vistula (route: Toruń — Bydgoszcz — Naklo — Szubin — Brzoza — Toruń) was arranged by Professor R. Galon, Dr. W. Mrózek, Mrs. Z. C h u r s k a, Dr. J. Szupryczyński and Dr. B. Rosa. Geomorphological problems of the Polish Lowland and the way of show-ing them on the geomorphological maps published on the scalę of 1 : 50,000 were discussed (dunes, Vistula gap, relation of the Brda sandur to the ice-marginal stream way of Toruń — Eberswalde, end moraines belonging to the last glaciation).

11    May. The excursion continued over the Chełmno plateau to the Drwęca valley and the Dobrzyń plateau (route: Toruń — Chełmża — Wąbrzeźno — Brodnica — Nowe Miasto — Rypin — Lipno — Zbójno — Toruń). The excursion which was devoted to the geomorphological problems of the Polish Lowland (end moraines, terminal basins, kames and drumlins dating from the last glacial period) was lead by Dr. W. Niewiarowski, Dr. Z. C h u r s k i and Mr. Liberacki.

In the evening the Conference Participants attended an inofficial reception in the Institute of Geography, N. Copernicus University.

12    May. Travel from Toruń to Warszawa. Here the last session was held in the Institute of Geography of the Polish Academy of Sciences, at which a lecture (Les cartes geomorphologiąues levees dans les bassins du Senegal et de la Gambie (Afriąue Occidentale) was presented by Professor P. Michel. Professor J. Kondracki informed of the geo-il


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