morphogenetical maps to be eliminated from the category of the detailed geomor-phological map.
8. The arrangement of the detailed geomorphological maps legend ought to be a chronological — genetical arrangement. The list of landforms which have been classified according to age and origin should be permanently completed. The Oonference Participants which are working in regions of differing geological struc-ture and climate approved, therefore, the proposal that the generał list of landforms should be supplemented.
9. Signs used in the present geomorphological maps are incomparable. The views on the meaning of colours are different, too. At present colours inform eilher of the origin of landforms or of their age or both of their origin and age.
It will be the further aim of the Subcommission on Geomorphological Mapping to prepare a list of landforms observed and to establish the signs for the detailed geomorphological map’s uniform legend. This key will be constructed from following data:
a) present keys to geomorphological and morphogenetical maps,
b) new complements to the generał list of landforms,
c) experience obtained by the production of fragments of the detailed geomorphological maps by the members of the Subcommission on Geomorphological Mapping in regions of different geological structure and climate. These maps will be constructed on the principles discussed at the meeting in Kraków, and on the ‘Table of signs used in the Detailed Geomorphological Map of Poland’.
The Conference participants pointed also to the detailed geomorphological map as a base for both the further development of geomorphology and of all regional — geomorphological studies. Attention has been called to the great practical im-portance of the detailed geomorphological map. From this map special maps can be produced, e.g., improvement maps which inform of the distribution of landforms and of landform groups either favourable or unfavourable to farming, communica-tion, housing etc. Hence the importance of the detailed geomorphological map (just like the geological and the pedological maps) for both science and practice.
President of the Subcommission President of the Ccmmision
on Geomorphological Mapping on Applied Geomorphology
(Professor Dr. M. KLIMASZEWSKI) (Professor Dr. J. TRICART)
The members of the Commission on Applied Geomorphology, during their meeting in Poland from 3-12 May, 1962 have compared experimental studies carried out in countries of different economic structures and different geographical en-vironments. They came to the conclusion that in all these countries, the detailed geomorphological maps are of a great practical value:
— for the preparation of soil maps and soil engineering maps
— for the study of urban and industrial development projects
— for the preparation of agricultural conservation schemes (irrigation, control of soil erosion, etc.)