d/ brofcd and rounded
oonslstlng of qucjt*lt*
randatonę lin#«ton# dolomit# lara
12. Double rldges
13. Sumnlts
a/ Sharp ind rocky /arete, born3/ b/ oone c/ mound d/ dome
1 u. Passe3, cola
15. Slopes cf 3tructural escarpments
a/ steep slope on out rop of reslstant rocks with gradlent3 of....
b/ gentle slope /glacls/ on outorop of less reslatant rocka with gradients of....
16. Siop#3 of fault-llne 3carps
a/ obseąuent / with gradients of.... b/ reseąuent / with. gradient# of....
17. True monadnocks /de reslstanoe/
Slopes of true oonadnocks with gradients of. conslstlng of....
18. Necks
Slopes of necks with gradients of....
19. Resldual rldges and outllera
Slopes of outllers with gradients of....
20. ftlonadnooks
Slopes of monadnocks with gradients of....
21. Inselbergs
Slopes of inselbergs with gradients of....
22. Smali resldual forso a/ oomlcts
b/ rock walla
0/ buttrease3 and rtoesses
d/ pulpit rooka
e/ sushroom rocks
f/ needlt rock#
g/ castellatsd rocks
h/ natural arche3-brldges
1/ earth pyramlde,-plllars
J/ balanced-orrocklng Stones
k/ erratlc boulders
1/ rook blook fleldc /felsenmeer/
29. Struotural-denudatire breaks of slope ooDTii la profile ooncare In profile
n 11\
1 \'
Paleogene ^
Heutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt
Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt
Neutral tlnt Shades of grej
Neutral tlnt Shades of grey
Indlgo fault llne, Grey -
Shades of grey
Shades of grey
Neutral tlnt
Shades of grey
Neutral tlnt Shades of grey Neutral tlnt Shades of grey
Neutral tlnt Shades of grey Neutral tlnt Shades of grey
Neoga ui
Neutral |
tlnt |
Neutral |
tlnt |
Neutral |
tlnt |
Neutral |
tlnt |
Neutral |
tlnt |
Neutral |
tlnt |
Scutrał |
tlnt |
Boctpal |
tlnt |
Castr*1 |
tlnt |
iJcrtrŁ_l |
tlnt |
Neutral |
tlnt |
licu trał |
tlnt |
Bers trał |
ttjrt |
■outr&l |
tlnt |