less ttsui 5m. ln naight 5 - 1C2. In helgbt 10 - 30=. la helght morę than 3Cm. In helgbt 7. Supraglaclal esker rldges and billocks fo-med X>y a/ deposltlon
b/ sąueezlng less than 5a. In helgbt 5 - iCb. In fceight 10 - 30n. la Lelght
II. Destructlonal forms due to eroslon of subgla ciał water
1* Subglaolal ohanzsel-sldes belonglng to former glaclatlons
wltb gradlento less th-an 9°
0- 9°
aore than 20°
2. Potholes /marmltes/
3. Fiat subglaclal channel floors
4. Sldes of lakę clxques wltb gradlents
less than 9°
10 - 19°
morę than 20
IV. Construotlonal forms due to subglaclal water deposltlon
1. Subaąuatlc esker rldges
up to 5m. In helgbt
5 - 10b. In helght
10 - 3Om. In helgbt
2. Esker rldges and billocks formed In tunnels
ln helght
Karstic forms
1. Forms due to solutlon
Forms developlng ln llmestone
dolomlte gypsum rock-salt
1. Swallow,- slnk holes /dollnes/ formed through solutlon less than 5m. ln depth
5 - lOm. ln depth
morę than lOm. ln depth
a/ rocky and steep sldes
b/ smooth sldes wltb soli cover c/ flat-floored
Slnk-holes resultlng from tbe collapse of cavern roof /see § la/
thln llne /0,3nua/
3. Uvalas