1933 League of NałionsTreaty Series. 387

Article 7.

The Permanent Conciliation Commission shall be informed by means of a reąuest addressed to the President by the two Parties acting by common consent or, failing an agreement, by either Pa rty.

The reąuest, after giving a summary account of the subject of the dispute, shall contain the invitation to the Commission to take all necessary measures with a vie\v to arriving at an amicable settlement.

If the reąuest emanates from only one of the Parties, notification thereof shall be madę by the said Party without delay to the other Party.

Article 8.

Within fifteen days from the datę when the High Contracting Parties or one of them shall have brought a dispute before the Permanent Conciliation Commission, either Party may, for the examination of the particular dispute, replace his member of the Commission by a person possessing special competence in the matter.

The Party making use of this right shall immediately inform the other Party ; the latter shall in that case be entitled to take similar action within fifteen days after the datę when the notification reaches it.

Each Party reserves its right immediately to appoint a substitute to replace temporarily the permanent member appointed by it who, by reason of illness or of any other circumstance of force majeure is temporarily prevented from taking part in the work of the Commission.

Article 9.

The task of the Permanent Conciliation Commission shall be to elucidate ąuestions in dispute, to collect with that object all necessary information by means of enąuiry or otherwise, and to endeavour to bring the Parties to an agreement. It may, after the case has been examined, inform the Parties of the terms of settlement which seem to it suitable and, if necessary, lay down a period within which they are to make their decision.

At the close of its labours the Commission shall draw up a report stating, as the case may be, either that the Parties have come to an agreement and, if necessary, the conditions of the agreement, or that the Parties have not been able to agree.

The labours of the. Commission must, unless the Parties otherwise agree, be terminated within six months from the day on which the Commission shall have been notified of the dispute.

Article 10.

Failing any special provisions to the contrary, the Permanent Conciliation Commission shall lay down its own procedurę, which in every case must provide for both Parties being heard. In regard to enąuiries, the Commission, unless it decides unanimously to the contrary, shall act in accordance with the provisions of Chapter III (International Commissions of Enąuiry) of the Hague Convention 1 2 of October 18, 1907, for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes.

Article u.

The Permanent Conciliation Commission shall meet, in the absence of agreement by the Parties to the contrary, at the place selected by its President.


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British and Foreign State Papers, Vol. ioo, page 298.

No. 3222


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