League of NałionsTreaty Senes.

after giving one montlTs notice, bring the dispute directly before the Permanent Court of International Justice by means of a reąuest.

The procedurę shall be that provided for by the Statute1 of the Permanent Court of International Justice or, in the case of an arbitral tribunal, that provided by the Hague Convention of October 18, 1907, for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes.



Ar Hele 18.

Any dispute which may arise between the High Contracting Parties and which is not covered by the terms of Article 3 of the present Treaty or in respect of which a special procedurę for settlement has not been already provided in a treaty or Convention in force between the Parties shall be referred to the Permanent Conciliation Commission, should it not have been found possible to settle it by the normal diplomatic procedurę.

Failing agreement on the reąuest to be submitted to the Commission, either Party may bring the matter before the Commission after one monthłs notice.

The procedurę laid down in Article 7, paragraph 2, and Articles 8 to 16 of the present Treaty shall apply.

Article 19.

Should it not have been found possible to bring the Parties to an agreement, the dispute shall, on the reąuest of either of them, be submitted for decision to an arbitral tribunal having authority to decide ex aequo et bono.

Unless otherwise agreed, this tribunal shall be composed of five members appointed in accordance with the method laid down in Articles 5 and 6 of the present Treaty for the composition of the Permanent Conciliation Commission.

The arbitral tribunal shall be empowered to arrange an amicable agreement.

Article 20.

In the case provided for in Article 19, the High Contracting Parties shall, within six months from the datę on which one Party has forwarded the demand for arbitration to the other, conclude a special agreement conceming the subject of the dispute and the methods of procedurę.

If the special agreement cannot be drawn up within the said period, either Party may bring the matter before the tribunal by means of a simple reąuest. The arbitral tribunal shall follow the procedurę provided for in the Hague Convention of October 18, 1907, for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes.



Article 21.

In the case of a dispute which, under the domestic legislation of one Party, falls within the competence of the national courts of that Party, including the administrative tribunals, the dispute shall not be dealt with in the manner provided for by the present Treaty before a decision possessing the force of res judicata has been given, within a reasonable time, by the competent national judicial authorities.

No. 3222


Vol. VI, page 379 ; Vol. XI, page 405 ; Vol. XV, page 305 ; Vol. XXIV, page 153 ; Vol. XXVII, page 417; Vol. XXXIX, page 165 ; Vol. XLV, page 96 ; Vol. L, page 159 ; Vol. LIV, page 387 ; Vol. LXIX, page 70; Vol. LXXII, page 452; Vol. LXXVIII, page 435; Vol, LXXXVIII, page 272; Vol. XCII, page 362 ; Vol. XCVI, page 180; Vol. C, page 153; Vol. CIV, page 492 ; Vol. CVII, page 461 ; Vol. CXI, page 402; Vol. CXVII, page 46; Vol. CXXIV, page 430; Vol. CXXX, page 440; and Vol. CXXXIV, page 392, of this Series.


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