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paragraph /2/ of Art i cli 2 from the moment that an uadertaklng ot mutaal aeeietance be twe en the United Kingdom and a third State coverlng thaea two countrlee entere into force.
/d/. Ab regarda Roum&nl&t the Goverment of the United Kingdon refers to the guarantee whlch lt has given to that eountryj and the Po11eh Governmdnt refers to the reciproc&l undertafclnge of the Roumano-Poliah alllance which Poland hae never regarded ae lncoznpatlble wlth her tradltlonal friendehlp for Hungary.
3. The undert&klnge mentloned in Artlcle 6 of the Agreemant,
ehould they be entered lnto by one of the Contractlng Partiee with a third State, would of necessity be eo framed that their execution 8hould at no tlme prejudice elther the eovereignty or territori&l inviolability of the other Contractlng Party. - 153
4. The preaent protocol conetltutee an integral part of the Agreement algned thia day, the scope of whlch it does not exceed.
In falth whereof the undereigned, being duły authoriaed, have signed the present Protocol.
Done in English in duplicate, at London, the 25th August, 1939.
A Pollsh text will subseąuently be agreed upon between the Contractlng Part!es and both texte will then be authentic.
/Sd./ Hallfax
/Sd./ Edward Raczyński
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