.....The war againś# Gem any to the yićtorious ęnd is the tluty not only of our
soldicr-., '.iracr. md sailors, but also ot tho soldic-ra of tlio Un&crgrciind Army in Pol and. In oDcdlence to the orćiors issucd fror Jj.ondon, they .orc fighting \ńLth in-orco3irig inteneity att.acking opcr.ly the rc.^ of the Gemm ornies in Poi and. 1hoy rurę i' *htdnęr whilc £rcqucntly ancirclod by ovcrwhcluing foroes, bcubardod by artillcry
oonbed fron the air, aa vns the óaac of a fcw dr.ya ago when Gem: a air for cc a froa Sanosc ir.stcad of hurrying to aid their treaps bat ter od on the c .-.storo front, wore cioliged te be ib dctachnonts of the Underground Aray in the Biłgoraj distr.ict -rherc the o%--r..fholi.in.r nuubcra, of* Gemm infahlry and rrtillery WGTO ur.ablo to ororeno Polish cour a *c, deternination and orlour,
They aro, md -huy aJ-ir.ll go .m fuli iii bo- Sikorski’s tcstaa.cnt, faithful bo his jrinciplc by the Oischargo. of their etaty, to struggle md resist they ar .* ea,tabli-shirr; their unałienablc rights to fuli fjroodou* and i-łdepcndcnc*..
WMlc f:i.-;htin«* inst tjjio 'Ir v;hile offering their co-op- oe-ion ta 3oviet
treops ont ring Polish territories in pursuit of the &crnans, they ’navc the right to expoct that their struggles and their self-sacrifioss will be roco/mised, that the-y theT.isolvcs will be rccogniscd as loyal soidiers of tho Heptiblic fighting '^or the free-
do'..! and indopondence of Pol mu. _ 166
Tho adi llnistra.tion of Undor gruund polan d, .lii diroc.. in • the strucle, the
reaiotance md up holding the spirit of the rbąS'śSsf is diachr-iryin* the dutios of the local atatc aut hor ii; i os and -will continua to dis charge thea. to the c-na. V/hilc offer-ing oollaboration, this adniniotration* tou, has the right te expcct that it will bc aaoógniecd md aided in. the organisation of further struggles ągiinst the Gomans and 3Bistod in the task. of r c- ccnstruc t i on of the aocial and ooonor.iic iifc of Polish ciiizcna on territories liberatod f*vu Gemm yoke.
Faithful to General Sikorski*s tcaohings, tho Polish Goverm-.cn t do cl ar e their unchmying reodiness to resuro. their relafcions .rith Scvict kussie, their readiness to Poster ncighbourly relations bo totem the. to/o nations, whilc constont in their desirc to n-intain and stron : ;hen the ciosest and npst frienćlly relations -.rith t' c dei.incratic naticais of tho .-/cst aft er the spoudy terninatien of this terrible war,
•;her. in active cali .bor-.tian they will procecd ta build up a sysbeta of generał secie*ity for the frcedcu and happiness of a.ll aonkincU
i?,ytr act s fre: a spcoch by li, Robert Crillon. Preaide.it of the Belg, i on Sonato.
.....General Sikorski rac a *oat Pole, gre t Euro;'.cm md a great Citizen
of the world.
.....A Yićtorious leader inafc Rusaia in cjnditicns 'hioh Appeared hopc}csu,
Gencr-.i Sikorski aptiy jiuj-.cf that it was te the e-.st tli .t field of understmding aust bc found in order bot tor to sccurc his country ręęajnst nger fror; the v/est. Hav3jng adeptc L this attitucle, lic proce odc-d consistontly towords an ułideratmding based not
on a trial of strongth but on the vri.il of the interasted partio o and the morał •nri ciplc-s which in his cyos nevar o o as od ta be binding.
,7e the Europom parłianontary reprosontatires, deeply convinced that our inion is sh.arod by British c lleagucs, oxprcss the fervent v/ish thr.t a settlement
/cf oLitstanding