:!oto Verbale.
'Jha iOllsh Go-vomj»at haiw the hcnour to aubrtLt foUowlng to the nctioe of lis Aajenty s Ckrr-niaenti-
Tho n^reaje Counoil of the TC13H issuod on June 22nd,1244, o ćocrcc ocmoerning tho oitdzenahip of oertaln alasees of lx>llsh and ov±ot citLzona. This decreo ls the elxth to be isoued ty the suprene suthcrlties cf the US3R on tho 3erae cubjecti
1/ In ccoardanoe nith tho ^oriet-Gcman A^naeraent of ieptenber 28 th,1933, and i5ube©quent o^roetnents with the Geraen Ccyemnent /Jjrt.l of the .ovlot-Gerraan Agreeaent of Novenbor l6th,1939/ oonoerning tho trenaferB of population, the Jxxpremo Counoil of the decreed on Itamabsr 29tii,1939, tliat oll persono recident on 1 terrltories in-corpomtod to the USaS" on Novmber lat and cjd 1939 ware 011 tama tioŁlly to boocae 3 viet citlaens. r
2j On August L-th#19WL, the :>upres*j Oouncil of tho U3SR, aotine in
confaonaity with the lalish-ooriet /y^roement of July 3^th,19»'J.# and the addltional protoool annexed to that Ojproencnt, arderod the releoa- of "'Łll the olish oltlsons dspritsd of liberty in iovlet tsrritcry ,
?J3» olish dtizens sot fVee ty that eleeroe enjoyed tiio legał rotoction of the i olish Gowerrsnent and hed the riyht to Jcdn the olish Arcy which ras then being forn»d in Russin.
&/ In i ta noto of fecaraber lstfl%l, the <eople 1b coercizssriat for ?areign Affoiro doolsred that it would in futurę regsrd as olish citizena only paroma of . olish origin, r.hile 1olish citiaeaa of Jewish, Ukrainian or Mte-Mithenian desoent v<ould not be reoognized ca suoh ty tho .'>oviet authorities.
ij In ito notę of January l6th,lft-3» the irople b Ccnrai3aarlat fcar
'JcrGlgn Affeirs witfedreir i ta farocr rooognitlon of persona of lOlish donoent en .olish citizenn,
5/ In the oouroe of oonuaroations betnoen l^ecdor Stalin, Cccniooar ilolotor and the lOliah /abacoodor in ifoooow in tł» period betwoen 2bbruary and Ajrll 1^3» the oviots deolared that tho decreo of i;ovonber 29th,1539, only referred to persona dnrrŁdlod in tho inoerporated torritories”, and not to persona taraporerily roaidant tźiere en i^owotabor lat and 2nd,1939» in oonsoouenoe of •rar operations.